Chapter 1: Back to School

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Hermione woke up in a pool of sweat. She had been having the same nightmare over and over again. She couldn't  let's any of the others know except for Ginny. When the aurors said that they couldn't find her parents, she broke down. She couldn't take any of it. Luna new two, but it was never the same. Luna and Mione had moved in with ginny because Hermione wasn't of age in the Muggle world. Luna's house was wrecked so her dad did not want her to come back until it was fixed. Hermione and Ron broke up. So had Harry and Ginny.

Hermione had been having a flashback of when Bellatrix tortured her. When Hermione woke up, she heard screaming from someone. It was Ginny. Hermione went over to Ginny and woke her up. Ginny and the rest of them were going back to Hogwarts. McGonnegall Said that the Sixth and seventh years could attend what ever classes they wanted to with the times for seventh year classes in the letter. Hermione was still a prefect. Harry was still Quidditch captain. They were going today.

Ginny woke up with a fright and Hermione comforted her as Goerge ran into the room saying breakfast was ready. They all went downstairs and ate breakfast. It was just chaos afterward. Hermione took Luna in side along apparition to kings cross so they could get a compartment on the express. They went into the girls bathroom and changed into their hogwarts things. They got onto the train and sat down as the others got there. They hurried to the bathrooms and came back in their Hogwarts stuff. They sat down just as the train took off. One they got to Hogwarts,  they went to the great hall. The sorting hat was placed on the stool and sang:

"I am the hat that's seen them all, each and every student to pass through this hall; I've sorted the great and good as well as those of evil mood; wear your house colors with pride, now let's see where you'll abide; Ravenclaw colors are gold and blue, a house in clever and studious in Hew; Hufflepuff with colors yellow and black, a house where friendliness is The Knack; Gryffindor's colors red and gold, a house of those Brave and the Bold; Slytherin with colors silver and green, a house where great power is seen; so put me on and then you'll see if your house colors are complementary."
Everyone clapped as professor McGonnegall started saying names.
"Lean, Rose!"
"Abbott, Lilly!"
"Hufflepuff!" And it went on. McGonnegall announced the head girl and boy and everyone except a few people waiting for the head went out.
Hermione and Ginny got to the portrait of dumbledore that was hung there.
"Obviously."(If you read that in Snape's voice, you are my favorite person, muggle, vamp, werewolf, ect.) Hermione and Ginny said together in Snape's voice and laughed on the way to the comon room. They went to sleep and didn't have one nightmare.
Sorry this chapter didn't have much diolog or anything else. Don't worry, It will be more juicy in the next chapter. Also, school. Thats it, school and homework.

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