Chapter 4: The Meeting Pt. 2

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Ginny's POV

I walked with Hermione to McGonagalls office. We went in and Proffesser McGonagall told us to sit down.
"So, Now you two know. Hermione," she turned towards Mione, " You are my daughter. Ginerva," I flinched because I hate it when people call me that, "You have a glamour charm on you. Only your family can take it off."
"What about me?" Asked Hermione.
"You also have a glamour charm on you. Only your father and I can take off the charm."
"I don't have any siblings? Who is my father?" Asked Hermione.
"No and I do not care to say."
"Okay," Hermione said with a frown.
"Ginerva, your real parents are going to come meet you in a couple of days. I have already contacted them."
"Okay," I said, nonchalantly. I was too excited to meet my parents, I never saw how gloomy Hermione was until the next day.
Sorry I haven't been updating for a while. It's the end of the school year for me and so I have a lot of homework to turn in by next week. When it's summer, I will most likely be updating a lot more. I hope you're enjoying the story.

Question of the chapter:
What do you think will happen when Ginny meets her birth parents?

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