Chapter 12: Becoming Freinds Pt. 2

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Celestia's POV

I walked toward the common room. Blaise was talking to an annoyed looking girl with her friend next to her. Her friend had a dreamy expression on her face. I walked over. Blaise saw and nodded, ending the conversation with the girl. I walked over.

"Hi. I'm Celestia Riddle. I am going to guess that you are Ginerva (she gave me a deadly look) and Luna." I said.

"I prefer Ginny." The one who I assumed was Ginerva said.

"Oh! Okay. Well, it's nice to meet you." I said.

"The nargles are doing quite lovely today." The girl who's name was Luna said. I gave Ginny a quizzical look. She made a hand gesture that I think was a sign for 'I will tell you later'. J Smiled And nodded, awkwardly stepping out of the conversation.

*time skip*

I was on my bed in the girls' dormitory reading Vegetarian cooking for everyone. It was sort of boring. Pansy came in with a Luna Malfoy dazed look on her face.

"Hey, um, Pansy? Are you okay?" I asked. She snapped out of it and turned towards me.

"Well, yeah. By the way, I've been meaning to ask you. Why weren't you in Hogwarts until now?" She asked. I shrugged.

"Well, I was raised in an orphanage since my mum was carted off to Azkaban and dad went missing. The Malfoy wouldn't take me because they had Draco and Aunt Narcissa was about to have a baby. Aunt Andromeda didn't want a baby that could potentially be as evil as her father. I terrorized the kids there, at the orphanage, without even knowing it. When I was ten, I ran away and ended up near a family of redheads, the Weasleys, except one of them didn't look like a Weasley much, but still did. She was your sister, I now know. I found dad when I was fourteen and spent my time with him and wormtail. I never actually went here, nor would I ever if it wasn't for needing to learn stuff. I'll tell you the rest later. Thanks for listening." I said, smiling at Pansy. She smiled back.

"That's what Best friends are for." She said. I got tears in my eyes.

"We're Best friends?" I asked. She nodded. I hugged her, getting all emotional. I smiled and went to the great hall, Pansy by my side.


You guys, I'm so sorry for the delay. I really think this chapter makes up for it though. We're getting deeper into the inner thoughts of Celestia, and Celestia and Pansy are besties! I love this so much. I hope you guys like this. This is a filler chapter, telling us more about Celestia's backstory. Maybe now, some of you will see her in a better light. 

Lots of Love,

Celestia Riddle

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