Chapter 5: The Parkinsons

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Ginny's POV

I ran down to the great Hall, Hermione right behind me. We were going to meet my family today and have me resorted and take the glamour charm off. I was so exited that I barely ate anything.
"You need to eat."
"I can't"
"What do you mean you cant?"
"I'm too exited to eat"
"Gin, you need to eat at least a price of toast and some cereal."
"Alright. Fine, mum."
"Thank you" she said, going back to eating.
I took a price of toast and ate it, then I poured myself some cereal, no milk, and ate that. I felt full so I told Hermione to meet me in the great Hall and went to go brush my teeth and make myself prettier. I also grabbed two dresses that looked exactly the same as mine, but one was smaller, and one was bigger.

I met Hermione in the great Hall and we headed to the room that McGonagall set up for mine and my family's meeting.

We headed into the room. I saw Pansy (=-\), What appeared to be a tiny little brother, and our parents.

"Hi." I said, sorta awkward.

"Hello. Are you the girl that Proffesser McGonagall told me about? My daughter?" She asked.

"Yes," I answered, not sure what else to say. I noticed she started to get teary eyed.

"Sweetie," the person I supposed who was my dad, said to Pansy. "Will you go get your mother some napkins?"

"Yes sir," she said, getting up and walking out of the room.

"I'm guessing you would like to know why we are here and what you look like," he said.

"Very much," I said. He waved his wand over me and it felt wierd, like an egg being cracked on your head wierd. I magicked s mirror and looked at myself. My skin was a bit darker and my hair was browner, not to mention my shortness, but otherwise, I looked like the same person. (Pic below).

I liked the change a bit. "Now," I said, "explain."

"Well," he looked at mum, "oh all right. During the first war, The Dark Lord was rising and killing. Your mother found out she was going to have baby twins. We were hoping for a boy and a girl. When we found out it was two girls, I had to go to the order and join as a double agent. We were planning to hide both of you with order members and tell the dark lord that there was a problem at birth and both died within minutes, but the dark lord was determined and called us fools. I told him instead we lost not two babies, but one. I barely got a minute to give you a name, so we told the weasleys to name you. We are truly sorry. I hope you forgive us." He said.

"Of course," I said, leaning forward to give him a hug. I finally knew why this was, and I was happy.
Sorry for the slow updates. I've been super busy and you have every right to be mad at me, but don't work, I'll have a steady uploading time come summer.
Word count: 557
Wow. My longest chapter by far.
Q of the Chap:
What animal would you bring to Hogwarts and why?

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