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When I woke up the sun was just coming over the horizon... It was still dark out and everyone else was fast asleep. I began to look in the fridge for something to eat I ended up with a juice box and an orange. It wasn't long before everyone else got up. We all got dressed and grabbed our gear then went outside. "Ok here's the plan we will split into three groups me and Justin will go to the super market and grab food, Suna you and Eathan will go to the hospital and grab everything you need for medical supplies you cam take the van if u think you'll need it, Takashi and Reize you will..." Lola was cut off when Reize began to talk "go back to the police station and grab more guns and ammo" Reize said happily "ok sure" Lola said.

We were all about to split up when I thought I heard crying. "Hey guys do you hear that" I said "yeah sounds like crying?" Suna said I looked around and noticed a group of zombies waking towards the sound. I began to run towards it "what's he doing?" Suna said "just let him he knows the risk" Lola said. When I got closer to the sound it came clearer it was a little girl. I knocked down a few zombies with my bat till finally I saw her she was huddled against a wall crying.

I ran up to her "hey sweetie where's ur family?" I asked "I

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I ran up to her "hey sweetie where's ur family?" I asked "I...I...don't know" she said sobbing "ok what's your name?" I asked "m...mi.....Mika" she said "ok Mika I need you to stay behind me" I said as I turned around swinging my bat connecting with a zombies head.... But there were a few to many for my liking. I pulled out my gun and aimed at one of there heads. I pulled the trigger only to be met by the sound of an empty gun "what..what the fuck...I loaded this gun I know I did" I said....

Ethan's POV*
What was going on Justin wasn't shooting "what's going on?" I said "I don't know?...Reize give him some cover fire!" Lola said Reize pulled up his gun and shot one of the zombies. He went to shoot again but then nothing happened "shit its jammed" Reize said. I began to worry about Justin he only had a bat and he was surrounded. I then saw him say something to the little girl he then pointed to us. Then suddenly Justin took off attacking the zombies "hey mother fuckers I'm over here!!!" He yelled out, just then all the zombies began to chase him and not go after the little girl. Lola ran up and grabbed the girl about half way. But Justin was now being chased by a bunch of zombies at full speed. Justin then ran up to a car and whacked the hood. Causing the car to start beeping and the Lights to started to blink. Justin then killed a few zombies and began to run towards us... The zombies didn't follow him since they were now more interested in the car. Justin came back he was breathing heavy and looked a little shell shocked. "What happened?" Lola asked "my gun was empty...I don't understand how I loaded it last Night with the remember don't you Eathan" Justin said "yeah we loaded ours at the same time" I said... We then drew our attention to the little girl "what's your name?" Lola asked with almost a motherly like town "Mika" she said "aww isn't that adorable" Suna said walking up to Mika "we need to move" Lola said getting back to the task at hand, we then broke into our groups and went to do our jobs, Mika went to the super market with Justin and Lola....

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