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-What's your scariest nightmare?

-Showing my feelings.

-Are you afraid of that?

-No, I don't know how to do that... And it's scary that maybe I'm not a human...

-But you have feelings... inside you? You can feel them?

-Yes... I feel everything. Love, pain, compassion. But I don't know how to express it. How to say person that I love them, how to show that I love him... How to comfort others when they are in a bad mood or feel the pain. And how to show that I'm hurt and in pain.

-Well, you really are a human, my dear. You just didn't have the right moment to do all that. To show your feelings. Your life wasn't always easy and most of the time you felt alone.

-So what should I do?

-Nothing. People are scared of their feelings, because they think it makes them weak. But it's the opposite. Only the strongest can reveal that they feel and help others to deal with pain. And you, my dear, one day will learn that, too.

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