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After everything is typed up and printed I walk into the conference room. I place the blue folders in front of all the chairs that's in the room.

The door to the conference room opens and Alex's secretary walks into the room. She looks at the way I've set things up. "You're not doing the job properly. Nico, likes to give the folders out himself to the board members." She puts all the folders in a pile and places it in front of Nico's seat."

Looking at her I say. "I know how to do my job. You don't need to come in here and wreck the work that I've completed. If you have a problem with me here, why don't you talk to Mr Hudson? Instead of putting sh..." I cut myself off when the door opens again and Nico is standing there with his arms folded.

His attention is on Sarah. "What are you doing in here, Miss Humphrey?"

Her face turns red. "I'm teaching this girl how to do her job properly. Why did you have to hire someone that's going to bring the company down?"

Nico takes a deep breath before he releases it. "I need to see you in my office, Sarah. This is unacceptable behaviour from you. It looks like Arabella is doing a perfect job." He steps aside as Sarah walks by him.

She places her hand on his stomach. She whispers. "Is it clothing optional, boss?" She winks at him before heading to his office.

He watches her walk away before he turns towards me. "She's never like that, Belle. I'm sorry that you have to put up with that."

I put the folders back on the table. "Don't worry about it. I'm here to do a job and that's all I'm going to do. There's one thing you need to know about me. I won't put up with someone mouthing off to me like that woman. I'll let it slide this time, but next time it will be a different story. I don't like people walking over me and thinking they can get away with it."

"I'll talk to Alex."

He already spoke to her and it didn't anything.

When I don't reply to him. He walks to the door and closes it behind him.

I'm definitely going to need the drinks that Joanna was talking about last night. I just hope that we can slip past my brother's security.

I check the time on the clock in the conference room and see that there's 30 minutes until the meeting. I walk to my office and grab my handbag.

Alex walks out of his office. "Where are you going, Belle?"

"I need to pick up the coffee and cakes for the conference. Do you want to come with me to pick it up?"

"Sure," he grabs his keys and phone that's on the desk and he follows me to the lift. "Nico, told me that Sarah has been rude to you."

I shoot a dangerous look at him. "I don't want to hear anyone else stick up for that woman today. She's shown me the type of person she really is and nothing is going to change my mind about her."

Alex starts shifting on his feet and he runs his hand through his hair. It's a habit of his that he's had since we were kids. He looks me in the eye. "Fine, I won't stick up for her. She'll come around once violet leaves. Those two have been thick as thieves since she showed up two weeks ago. Sarah thought that Violet would get the job, but Nico wanted someone with experience to be his secretary. He knew there was someone out there that had the type of experience he needed the person to have. You are everything that this company needs and I hope you show Nico that you're going to be the asset that he needs to make Hudson Airways..." He moves his hand up in the air like a plane. "Zoom,"

I laugh. "I'm glad you think so, brother." Looking at Nico's office I see him talking to Sarah and she has her head bowed.

Alex looks in the direction of the office as well. "She'll be fine. Nico doesn't like having problems in the office and what violet and her are doing is a problem. If it continues Nico's going to have to let Violet go." He presses the button for the lift and we wait for it to come up.

The door to Nico's office and Sarah walks out rubbing her face. She grabs her handbag and whispers something to Violet before heading in the direction of the restroom.

"She'll be alright, sis. It's not the first time Nico's made her cry and it won't be the last time either." The lift door opens and we step inside.

At the car Alex's phone goes off. He looks at the caller ID before he says. "Shit,"

I look at the phone and see that Nico's calling.

What could Nico want already? He could have stopped us before we entered the lift.

Alex answers the phone.

Alex: Nico, what do you need?

Nico: Is Arabella with you?

Alex: Yes, I'm going with her to pick up the coffee and cakes for the board meeting. Can I get you something?

Nico: Sure, can you drop by the drugstore and get me some magna condoms. I ran out of them and I won't gave time to get them before we go out.

Alex didn't tell me he was going out.

Alex looks at me and he mouths. 'Sorry,'

Why does he need to apologise? It's not like what Nico's doing will affect me in anyway. I'm not his girlfriend. I'm his secretary.

Alex: Sure, I'll pick some up for you.

Alex starts the car and pulls out of the parking spot.  He drives towards the exit of the garage, before turning onto the Main Street of Los Angeles.

I look out the window as we drive through the city and I see the Hollywood walk of fame. The Hollywood sign is noticeable too.

It doesn't take long before we pull up in front of the drugstore.

Alex gives me some money. "Can you go to the drugstore? I'll get the coffees since the boss knows me and he usually gives me discounts. If you're quick I'll introduce you to him. That way he'll give you free coffee when I can't drive out here."

"Okay," I step out of the car and head over to the drugstore. I walk into the aisle that sells condoms. I pick up a packet and grab some tampons as well.

Walking over to the cash register I pay for the items and walk out of the drugstore. I cross the road and walk into Henriette's Café. I see a guy talking to Alex and they are laughing. I open the door and head over to them.

Alex holds his arm out to me and I step into it. "Lenny, I want you to meet my sister, Belle."

He holds his hand out to me. "It's nice to meet you, beautiful."

"You too, Lenny. Are you always this charming to the woman or am I special?"

An older woman steps out from the kitchen and looks playfully at him. "You better think of another answer to come up with or you're going to sleep in the dog kennel tonight?"

Lenny frowns. "We don't have a dog."

"That's not the point." She walks over to me and holds her hand out. "I'm Fiona, his wife."


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A Twist Of Fate (Fate #1)Where stories live. Discover now