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Book Jacket by @Bianca_Jones1

I look out the window and see clouds around and below the plane as it flies through the sky heading to LAX.

It's been ten years since I've been to Los Angeles and I wonder if anything has changed, since the last time I've been there.

I grew up in Burbank with Mom, Dad, sister, Heather and brother, Alexander, but everyone calls him Alex as he hates his full name. The only time he gets called his full name is when he's in trouble.

A guy with dark hair and wearing a suit leans across the aisle. He holds his hand out to me. "Hey, I'm Kyle Saunders."

I look at his hand and then at his face. "I don't shake hands with strangers, but I can provide you with a name. So, which one would you prefer a fake or real one?"

A smirk spreads across his face and it lights up his blue eyes. He also has dimples on his face that makes him look even better looking. "I'll go with the fake first. I would love to see hear the first fake name that comes to mind and then you can tell me your real name?"

"Violet Valentine."

He throws his head back and laughs. "That sounds like a stripper name."

I lean towards him and say. "It's a stage name, I'm stripper." I wink at him.

He shakes his head. "I would have believed that if you weren't wearing a pair of jeans and tank top. Try again with your real name."

"Arabella, that's all you're getting from me. I don't need you to stalk me online, buddy."

"Touché, but I'm going to be the one that looks like a tool when you stalk me."

I show him my iPad. "Don't worry, I'm not the stalker type of person. There's more to life than checking up on a playboy like yourself."

He turns fully to me and looks me up and down. "You seem like you have experience with guys like me."

"I do. They only want me until someone better comes along and I'm dumped like I didn't mean anything to them. This time I'm not going to let anyone have that hold over me. I'm going to take my time with getting to know someone before I start to date them. That way I'm not hurt." I turn away from him and put my earphones in my ears.

I really don't want to spend the entire flight talking about myself with a stranger.

Looking out the window I see a city below us and I see the Hollywood sign.

I'm home.

I turn off my iPad and put it in the overhead compartment.

The pilot's voice comes over the intercom. "We're about to land at LAX. Please, put your seat in the upright position, and make sure that you're trays are locked as well."

I put my seatbelt on and look out the window as we head towards the airport. I watch as the plane lowers to the ground and touches down on the runway. The brakes are applied to the plane and I'm thrown back against the seat.

The plane makes its way to the terminal and we wait for the plane to come to a stop before standing up and opening up the overhead compartment.

Kyle crashes into me and I nearly fall across the seat, but he's quick with his hands and he steadies me. "I'm so sorry."

Looking at him I see his cheeks turn a shade of red. "That's alright. Thanks, for catching me before I could fall. The last thing I want is nfor you to see a lady sprawled across a chair." I smile as I look down at what I'm wearing. "It would have been embarrassing if I was wearing a skirt."

He laughs. "I probably would have taken you to the restroom after we got off the plane, because you made me hard."

My face turns red as I hear this stranger say that. "It was nice to meet you, Kyle. I just hope I don't run into you in Los Angeles, ever."

He holds a card out to me. "You'll probably change your mind if you get arrested. I can be the person you call if you need help getting out."

I take the card from him and it says that he's a lawyer at a firm that's located in Beverly Hills, close to where my brother lives. "Thanks,"

He pulls my bags out of the overhead compartment and sets the down beside. "See you around." Kyle walks away from me.

I grab my bags and make my way off the plane. I follow the crowd as they make their way over to the luggage claim. I look at the screen and look for which carousel my luggage will be on. I see that its number 11 and I walk over to it.

Standing next to the carousel I wait for my bag to come around. I pull my bag off when it's in front of me and then I make my way to arrival lounge.

Alex is standing with a group of people with a sign and it has my name on it. He looks at me as I walk out with a group of people. "Belle, you're finally home."

A smile spreads across my face. "Yes, I am big brother."

He looks at me. "Are you staying at a hotel until you get a place? Or do you want to stay with me?"

"I'll stay with you. I really don't want to live on my own. I've done for ten years and I feel lonely when I'm not around people. So, I hope you don't mind a roommate?"

He takes my suitcase from me. "I was hoping you'd stay with me. My place is far too big for myself, but I got it with the mind of starting my own family with the girlfriend I had while you were gone."

Looking at him I say. "What happened to the girl?"

"She got a better a job in New York and she left me. She told me that I couldn't go with her because she wanted to live the single life for a while. A month later, I heard she was dating someone and it was serious. She married him last year."

I touch his arm. "I know how it feels, Alex." I don't say anything else as I follow my brother to the car.

He opens the trunk and we put my bags into the Black SUV he owns. "Do you like my car?"

"It's nice. I however thought you'd at least drive a Lamborghini and all I see is a Black SUV that reminds me of the mafia I saw in Italy."

Alex slams the trunk shut. He starts walking to the driver's side of the car and turns towards me. "You saw the mafia when you were in Italy?

I play with the necklace around my neck as I answer Alex's question. "Yes, they owned one of the local pizza places in the town I was staying in. I even saw the bad side of the mafia and they did everything they could to protect me while they were fighting with another family."


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