Chapter 1: 3 months ago

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Erwin and Levi were kissing under a tree before Erwin asked with a husky voice:"shall we go home? It's getting late..." Levi nods and kisses Erwin again, his lips gently nip Erwin's lips and his chin scratched against Erwin's small beard. He gets picked up and he gently wraps his legs around his waist. Erwin pulls Levi close and places his him carefully in the car and a few minutes later they were on their way back home. Levi dozed off and looked outside, holding Erwin's hand tightly. Birds were chattering, children were playing outside and the sun was shining brightly. Suddenly he sees a car coming from their left side. Levi screams: "ERWIN WATCH OUT" but it's too late. The car crashes into Erwin's side and everything goes black.

Darkness. Silence. Headache. Then.. small movements next to him. Levi groans and tries to open his eyes. His head hurts and he can barely move his arm. 'What happened.. where am I..' He hears someone sobbing and he slowly opens his eyes. "Hanji... where.. what happened? Where's Erwin? " He tries to remember what happened but his memories are faded. "We..were kissing.." he smiles. "Then.." He frowns and closes his eyes , memories of Erwin flashing by rapidly" a car.. we.. Hanji come on ,where is he?! He's alright right?! He can't be dead.. he can't leave me.. not like thi-" "he's dead... " Levi looks numb at the wall and all his memories with Erwin flash by again. That moment that Erwin stopped him from fighting, from being depressed.. their first vacation.. he even wanted to propose to Erwin! To marry him.. to adopt children, but no.. life had to ruin it again. He grits his teeth and tries to hold back his tears. Hanji whispers: "He had an extreme internal bleeding and it couldn't be stopped in time.. I'm so sorry Levi.. I'll leave you alone... you need rest.. you're allowed to come home when you wake up.. goodnight.. ". A doctor walks in and gives him an injection. He hears a few last words: "come home fast... we're missing you..' Everything goes black again and he falls into a dreamless sleep.

Well..this is my first chapter of my first chapter... thanks for reading! Comment your opinion down below and.. hopefully see you soon!

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