Chapter 2: Depression

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"Levi! Get out of your room.." "please big bro... I miss you.." "c'mon Levi.. it's been days since you've been outside" 3 months ago. That day when everything changed. That day when Erwin left his side. That moment when everything went worse.. He haven't been out of his room for a couple of days, he even haven't been outside at all since the car accident. "Levi.." They constantly tried.. to get him outside, to make him happy.. they even said things like: "Levi, the bathroom is dirty!" "Ew there's dirt everywhere!"It normally would have pissed him off  but nothing helped this time. All he could think about was Erwin, thinking about him was like there was someone stabbing him, over and over and over..  Farlan knocks on the door. "Levi I'm done, come outside or I'll kick in the door. You have 3 seconds. 1. He waited but no answer. 2.. Levi don't let me do th- Levi opened the door and looked at him.. numb, dark circles around his eyes, his skin pale and he lost a lot of weight. "What do you wan-" Isabel, who was always happy, was crying. Even Hanji, who was cheerful and chattering around ,couldn't hold back her tears. She looks at Levi with a shocked face and hugs him. Tightly, not letting go, not wanting to release him again. Isabel joined her in the hug and warm, wet liquid drips down on his shirt. Normally he would have cared but he's too shocked to answer and hesitatingly hugged back. "guys.. why all this commotio-"YOU'VE BEEN THERE FOR DAYS, NOT ANSWERING OR EATING LEVI.." Hanji's outburst shocked him
and he closes his eyes. "We.. we thought you were dead... We know how much you loved Erwin but.. you've got to get over him.. it has been 3 months Levi.. 3 months.." Levi couldn't hold back anymore and tears roll down his cheek. For the first time after a while, he let his emotions go. And it felt good. He walked downstairs and finally started eating after a few days being locked in his room.

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