Chapter 4: The end of dating?

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Levi glares at Hanji and crosses his arms. ''He's asking me how I'm doing, really? He literally has the balls to ask me how I'm d-'' ''Levi, that's called being nice, being friendly. It's normal okay? C'mon, answer him!'' Levi rolls his eyes and answers:

Cleanfreak875: Tch, I'm doing fine. Don't be so curious, how are you.

''Levi, that's not really nice to say.. be kind to him! Give him a chan-'' ''Shitty Foureyes, I already told you that I'm not gonna date! C'mon! Fuck off and let me stay alone. I already have Erwin and don't you fucking dare to say he's dead. He's my boyfriend and we are going to be married''. Hanji didn't say a word and looks down, Levi glares at the screen and sighs, closing his eyes.

Armin/Eren's PoV:
Eren frowns at Armin. ''He's rude! I already give up.. I bet he's one of those egoistic bastards again..'' Armin looks at the chat and sighs. ''Don't give up too early Eren.. you barely know him! Give him a chance! Please..'' Eren groans and answers the slightly rude message:

Jaegerbombastic: I'm fine.. Sorry for being kind, I guess? Where are you from?

Cleanfreak875: Paris.

Eren turns around and his eyes are widened a little. ''He's from Paris! Holy fuck... That's far away... Is this really a good idea Armin?'' Armin nods and smiles slightly, hugging Eren from behind. ''As I said, give him a chance! Who knows!''

Jaegerbombastic: Wow.. that's far away! I'm from Germany, so you do speak French? Awesome!
Cleanfreak875: Did those schnitzels eat your brains or something? Of course I speak French.. you dumbfuck.

Eren looks insulted and moves away from the laptop. ''Okay, I'm done. he just called me a dumbfuck. What if he moved to Paris or something.. That could be possible righ- Armin what the fuck! Stop laughing, it's not funny! Seriously... Stop it.'' Eren crosses his arms and looks away, clearly annoyed. Armin can't stop laughing. ''O my.. 'Did those schnitzels eat your brains..' I can't breath! He's brilliant!'' Armin continues laughing but stops when Eren hits his head. ''Ouch.. Eren that hurts..'' He strokes his head and flinches slightly. ''You should've stopped laughing dammit.. This isn't funny! I'm seriously insulted!'' Armin looks serious and hugs Eren, trying not to laugh again. ''I'm sorry.. Please give him a chance..'' ''No. I'm done. That egoistic bastard is.. I'm done.. I.. goddammit.'' He sits down and sighs, staring at the boys profile.

Hanji/Levi P.o.V:

''Levi! What are you doing!! You can't just simply say that! Jesus Christ... You're so heartless sometimes.. Why are you so rude! He did nothing wrong! He's hot, kind, has respect for you and-'' ''I don't care.'' Levi interrupts her and stands up, turning away. ''I said I'm not going to date. I'm done, you can't force me into this. I seriously will end my life if you continue this.. Hanji are you fucking listening to me? Answer me dammit!!'' Hanji has a weird grin on her face as she's starting to type again.

A/N: The end.. or not? You'll find out in the next chapter.. Sayōnara! (Japanese for bye, if I should believe Google Translate :P )

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