Chapter 5: Help him

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Levi/Hanji P.o.V:
"Hanji fucking Zoë. Stop typing. What the fuck do you think you're doing?! I'm. Not. Gonna. Date. That. Fucking. Brat. Dammit." Hanji ignores him and keeps typing, trying to avoid Levi's fists. She succeeds, until she heard a loud growl and she quickly presses on "enter"before she gets pulled away. Levi glared at the screen and his eyes widened by reading the message:

Cleanfreak875: I'm sorry for my friend. My name is Hanji Zoë and I'm Levi's best friend...-

Levi glares and rolls his eyes, looking away again. "You're not my best friend Hanji. You're one of the worst people in the world, you're making me date a stupid brat." Hanji grins and ruffles his hair in response. "I'm not! I'm one of your best friends cause I'm risking my life to make you happy!" Levi ignores her and continues reading

Armin/Eren P.o.V:

Eren hears another message notification and looks back at the screen. "Armin! He sent a fucking large message!" Armin comes back after making some coffee and starts reading the message:

Cleanfreak875: ... I'm trying to avoid his kicks at the moment, anyway. Hey! Soo, I'm sorry for Levi's behaviour. He normally is less aggressive/annoyed but his boyfriend died in a car crash 3 months ago and he still can't get over it. I made this account so he can find someone who can help him to get over it but.. he doesn't want to. I believe you're someone who can help him! He hadn't been outside since the car accident and avoids every social contact.. I really need your help.. We live on Charloix Rue 23 in Paris (I have no idea if this one actually exists xD random street name). Come as fast as possible cause he is suicidal or I'll be dea-

Eren's eyes widen and Armin chuckles quietly after noticing that the message hasn't been finished. "Don't worry, Eren. She'll be fine! I really feel bad for Levi tho.. it explains his behaviour.. Eren are you-.. don't cry! He will love you.. don't worry please.." Armin hugs Eren tightly and wipes his tears away and smiles slightly. "It's Wednesday now.. fly over on Saturday! We have holiday next week so it's okay! You should visit him". Eren's eyes widen slightly as he stares at him in disbelieve. "You.. want me.. to visit him this weekend? Reall-.." another notification is hearable. Eren quickly at the screen and starts sobbing quietly by reading the message. "I told you! I told you he doesn't want me to visit!" Armin hugs Eren tightly again and looks confused, reading the message. Another notification shortly follows and Armin chuckles. "Don't worry Eren, look!" Eren wipes his tears away and starts reading:

Cleanfreak875: Don't you fucking dare to come over or I'll fucking kill you...

Cleanfreak875: Hanji here again! There are 3 people who will help you, have faith and believe in us! Ogodhesreallym-

Eren laughed and wiped his tears away. "Dajm.. is she okay? I hope he will love me one day.. I wanna make him smile and laugh.. make him happy.." Armin smiles and hugs Eren. "I bet you will... you'd be a great boyfriend". Eren smiles and hugs back, ruffling Armin's hair. "Thank you but.. I'm getting quiet hungry.." He chuckles and Armin rolls his eyes. "Let's make dinner then, you pig, what should we ea-" He avoids some playful kicks and laughs, running to the kitchen. "Okay okay I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Forgive me!!
Eren laughs too and they start preparing dinner.

30 minutes later:
Eren and Armin just finished eating dinner and their eyes are now focused on the television. "O jees that's.. ew! I just had my dinner.. what the crap.. so much blood, it's fucking disgusting.. Armin put it off! Please!!". Eren looks disgusted at a stomach surgery documentation and Armin can't stop laughing. "O my.. Eren, you're hilar-". A notification is hearable from the other room and Eren walks confused towards the laptop. He reads the message and starts crying. Armin looks confused and walks over to Eren. "Eren what's.. what's wrong.. why are you crying?" Eren points at the screen and Armin starts reading, slowly getting pale.
"O my god.. is he..":

Cleanfreak875: Come over as fast as possible, Levi tried to commit suicide. Please help.

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