My Name Is Ricky Horror

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My name is Rick Olson. I go by Ricky though. I hate the name Rick, it sounds like an old man's name..and I'm not an old man. I live in a pretty nice town in Pennslyvania and I actually like it...except the people at my school. I hate them all. Loathe.

There really isn't a lot of people around here like me. And by that I mean..guys who wear tight girl jeans and band tees, along with makeup and nailpolish. Yeah, I wear it all. I'm aware of the fact that my classmates probably think I'm a faggot, seeing as I've never had a girlfriend, but whatever, I don't need a girlfriend right now.

I can't wait to graduate. I'm not really sure what I want to do with my life..but, one less day spent at this hell hole of a school will be great. Honestly, I want to be in a band. I mean..I play a pretty mean bass..not to brag or anything.

Anyways, like I said, I hate this fucking place and the people in it. One of these days though, one of these fucking days, I'm going to be a force to reckon with and all these people that picked on me are going to regret it so quickly.

"Mr. Olson, can you please pay attention." the voice of my math teacher cut through my thoughts.

I looked up from the notebook that I was currently doodling on, but didn't say a word. She sighed and went back to her lesson.

I felt eyes on me and glanced out from under the piece of hair that covered the right side of my face. A girl, I couldn't remember her name..Bree? Brittany? something along those lines, was staring at me.

She gave me a tiny smile and I just looked away. She was interested in me..I could tell that. Not that I didn't think she was attractive, cause she was, but I really didn't need the extra pressure of a girlfriend right now.

A ball of paper hit me in the back of the head and I turned around, glancing at the two jocks who were chuckling like idiots. I sighed and picked the paper up, unrolling it so I could see what was written on it.


In big, black, letters. I sighed and folded the piece of paper up and slipped it into my Algebra 2 book...see why I hate school? Assholes like this.

The bell rang and I picked up my things, being the first out of the class. I headed to my locker as I heard the jocks behind me.

"Hey, faggot, going to meet your boyfriend!" one of them called.

I continued walking, ignoring them.

"Maybe he's going to steal more makeup from the girl's locker room!" another said.

Their laughing made me walk faster and I almost missed my locker. I stopped, fumbling with the stupid lock, trying to open the metal door but my nerves were so rattled that I kept missing the numbers.

"Fuck!" I said..maybe a little too loudly. I felt my face get hot as people turned, looking at what I was getting all worked up about and then giggling and chuckling...whispering to their friends.

"You can't let them get you all worked up." a voice said.

I turned and saw that girl. "I didn't." I said, looking down, my hair falling into my eyes. I didn't even bother fixing it.

"Yeah, you are." she said, walking over to my locker. "What's your combonation?"

"32-15-21" I said.

I watched her as she went to every number, hitting it exactly, and then opening my locker for me. "There ya go." she said, moving back.

"Thanks." I mumbled. I picked up my books and placed them in my locker and then grabbed my bag.

"So, was wondering if you wanted to ha-" she started.

"Sorry, I have to go." I said, cutting her off and then walking away.

Well, I felt like a real asshole now..but I needed to get away from the school before I exploded and did something I'd regret.

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