Voice From the Past

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"Uh...Ange, I'll be right back." I said and sat my book on the chair beside me and got up. If Angelo had said anything, I didn't hear him because I was already walking outside, my phone still rining.

As it was about to go to voice mail, I answer. "Hello?"

"Ricky?" a voice from the other side said.

"Hi...Bree.." I said, leaning against the wall, trying to keep my balance so I didn't pass out.

I haven't talked to Bree since the day her and her mom left. In these five years, I never called her, never texted her, never tried to contact her on a social network..but I kept her number. Why? I don't know..I just did. Maybe I kept it because I knew there was going to be a day when she was going to call me.

"How've you been?" she asked.

"I've..been alright..just busy touring with the guys."

"So I've heard. You guys are going on another tour in a few days." she said.

"Tomorrow, actually." I said.

"Oh, where's your first stop?" she asked.

"California. Scramento then Anaheim." I said.

"Awesome." she said.

I didn't even know where she lived. Her mom never told me where they moved too, it was like she didn't want me contacting Bree at all or anything.

"How's your mom?" I asked.

There was a silence on the other end and I wasn't sure if Bree had hung up or not.


"She...she died...last year." she said.

"Oh my God, I'm sorry Bree...what...what happened?" I asked.

"Car accident. Drunk driver hit her..she died on impact.." she said.

"I'm so sorry...why didn't you call me when it happened?" I asked.

"I was going too..but you were on tour in Europe..it wouldn't have gone through.." she said.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For not being there for you." I said.

"It's okay Ricky..there's nothing you could have done."

"Where do you live now?" I asked.

"I got my own apartment in Seattle a few months ago." she said.

"We're going to be in Seattle soon and we have like two days off during it..or three..I can't remember." I said.

I could tell she was smiling on the other end. "Do you want to hang out?"

"Sure, yeah, of course." I said, smiling a little.

"I hope you haven't changed."

"What do you mean?"

"Like..do you still look the same?" she asked.

"Well, yeah, I've gotten a few more tattoos though and I grew a little." I said, laughing.

She giggled. "Are you still the shortest in the band?"

"Unfortuantly." I said.

"Aw, my poor Rickykins."

"I hate that nickname." I said, but couldn't stop smiling.

"I know..but hey, I got to go, my boyfriend is on his way over. I just wanted to hear your voice..I'll see you when you get in Seattle. Bye Ricky." she said.

I didn't get a chance to say bye before she hung up. She has a boyfriend? Well..fuck...there goes my chances.. I thought to myself as I went back inside the tattoo shop.

"Dude, I was just about to come and get you, it's your turn." Angelo said.

"Sorry..was on the phone." I said.

Angelo cocked his head. "What's wrong?"

"It was Bree...remember her?"

"Vaugely...actually...no...not really." he said.

The guys had only met her once and they didn't really pay much attention to her anyways. I guess when we got to Seattle, they could officially meet her.

"Well..anyways..she was just calling to say hi." I said, sitting down in the chair.

"What else? I know something happened cause your mood has changed." he said.

"I..it's a long story..I'll tell you about it when we get home." I said.

Angelo nodded and spent the time texting and updating Twitter while I was getting my tattoo done.

All I could think about was Bree and the fact that she now had a boyfriend and my chances of being with her was gone.


"So, what's up?" Angelo asked me.

We had just walked inside our apartment, carry a bag that had a box of chicken wings in them.

Angelo sat the bag down and got two plates down. He pulled out some celery and got some for himself. I grabbed an apple and we got some chicken wings from the box and went into the living room.

"So, that story?"

"It's really long..are you sure you want to hear it?" I asked, biting into my apple.


I sighed and took a bite of one of my chicken wings and then a sip of water before starting off.

"You guys don't really remember Bree..when we met you at Subway that night, you guys were more interested in getting me to join the band then talking to her, but anyways..I thought, after she moved, I'd never hear from her again but I always kept her number..just in case you know...well..I don't know...but sometime..about two years ago..I started thinking about her a lot and slowly started developing feelings for her..of course, I could have called her and told her but I didn't want to get rejected."

"Is that why you were always staring off into space when we tried to talk to you?"

"Yeah, shut up and let me finish. So anyways...she called today...I wasn't expecting that...it was nice hearing her voice again...but..then she told me she had a boyfriend...and so now my hopes of being with her has been crushed.." I said, looking down.

Angelo looked at me. "I bet he's like really ugly and gross looking..and when she sees you she'll be all like "Oh my God, Ricky, have my babies!" and want to have sex with you right there." he said, making his voice go as high as possible to imitate a girl.

I started laughing. Angelo smiled, he knew that would work. That's what I loved about Angelo, he always knew what to say to make me laugh when I was in a bad mood...that's why he was my best friend of the band.

"I doubt she'll do that." I said, shaking my head.

"You never know." he said, getting up to get more wings.

I stole a piece of his celery and took a bite of it.

"How many days do we get off in Seattle?"

"Three, why?"

"Bree lives in Seattle...she wants to hang out."

"Maybe she'll be single by then so you can get it in...damn virgin." he said.

I flipped him off and continued eating.

I was nervous, scared, excited and a little crushed about seeing Bree. I really didn't know what to expect.

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