Joining the Band

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I guess I should have braced myself for the scream that came out of Bree's mouth when I told her that I had just gotten asked to be a part of Motionless In White. Thank God we had made it outside by the time she opened her mouth, or else she might have caused the whole building to fall.

"Bree, calm down. People are staring." I said, putting my hand over her mouth to quiet her.

"I'm sorry! That's just....oh my have to do it!" she said, begining to jump up and down.

I watched her. "You need to chill." I said.

She stopped jumping and gave me this look, sticking her bottom lip out. "Rickyyyyyyyyyyyyy." she whined, in her high pitched screechy voice that she used when she wanted me to do something.

I sighed. "Come on, it's a long drive home." I said, grabbing her arm and pulling her towards the car.

"You have to join." she said, as she got in the passanger seat.

"I don't have to do shit. Except take you home and you need to call your mom and let her know we're on our way back." I said.

"She's asleep. And I'm hungry and you need to be a part of that band." she said, turning in her seat to stare at me.

"Put your seatbelt on, Bree." I said, putting mine on.

"Ricky, please, this is major. You can be famous, you always talk about it." she said, putting her seatbelt on.

I didn't answer as I started the car up and drove out of the parking space. We had to wait behind a line of cars and the traffic was moving slow. I rolled down the window as I pulled a cigarette out and my lighter. Bree just stared at me. "I thought you quit."

"No." I said, almost laughing.

She sighed and laid her head back against the headrest.

"Alright. I'll do it." I said, a moment later.

She picked her head up, looking at me.

"I'll join the band." I said.

She squealed and attempted to reach over and give me a hug but it was kind of hard with her seatbelt blocking the way, which was kind of funny, which made me laugh, which got me a punch in the arm from Bree who didn't think it was that funny.

We finally got back on the road, our stomachs growling, it was close to midnight. "Subway?" I asked. "Sure." she said.

We pulled into Subway and as soon as the car stopped, Bree let out another squeal. I looked at her. "I'm going to kill you if you keep doing that." I said.

"THEY'RE HERE!" she screamed, hopping up and down in her seat, seatbelt still on.


"Motionless In White! There's their trailer and stuff!" she said, pointing out the window.

"Bree, you need to calm down before we go in there. If you're going to be all hyper and shit...we're not going." I said.

Bree took some deep breaths. "I'm calm, can we go?"

I took off my seatbelt and grabbed my money, stuffing it in the back pocket of my black skinny jeans as Bree got out. I gave her this look that said, 'I'm serious Bree, if you start freaking out, we're leaving.'

"I'll be good." she said.

"You better." I said.

I opened the door and she walked in and then I followed her, walking over to the side where we ordered our subs. We were staring at the menus when I heard someone holler at us, I knew it was towards us because of what was said, "Hey, that's the kid Chris talked to at the show!"

Bree was biting her bottom lip to keep from screaming, I looked over at the guys. They waved and I gave a somewhat awkward wave/nod thing.

We ordered our subs and were just going to go eat in Bree's mom's car when they stopped us again.

"Why don't you guys come sit with us?" the one next to Chris said.

I knew Bree wanted too, so I didn't even ask her. Chris got up, letting Bree have his space, throwing his trash away and then grabbed two chairs from another table and brought them over for me and him.

"What's your name?" the one to the left of me asked.

"I'm Ricky, that's Bree." I said, introducing both of us, seeing as Bree wasn't able too, her mouth full of food.

Chris introduced everyone, except himself, seeing as we already knew who he was. The one next to Bree was Angelo, next to him was Ryan. The one to the left of me was TJ and the one next to him was Josh but he preferred to be called Balz.

"You guys were great." Bree said, after consuming half of her sub.

"Thanks." Balz said.

"So, Ricky, Chris has been telling us that you play instruments." TJ said.

"Bass." I said.

"And he mentioned to you about joining the band?" Ryan asked.

I nodded. "Yeah."

"What a coincidence...we've been looking for a new bass player." TJ said.

"And you've already got the look." Angelo said, looking over at me.

I noticed something, that we all had in common. Black hair, black clothes, makeup, and the obvious tattoos and piercings. I suppose I did kind of fit in already.

"You should really think about it, man." Chris said.

I nodded. "I will."

"You could just say yes instead of thinking about it." Balz said.

"That's what I told him." Bree said.

I gave her a look and she went back to eating her food. I sighed and pulled the tomatoe off my sub, which Balz gladly snatched.

"Alright. I'm in." I said.

"Yes!" TJ said, reaching across the table to high five Angelo.

"Awesome dude!" Chris said, patting my back.

"You're going to have to come over tomorrow and show us some of your sweet bass skills." Balz said.

"He's really good." Bree said, ratting me out.

"We'll have to see that for ourselves." Chris said, smirking.

I really wanted to hit Bree right now. We finished eating and threw our trash away, thanked the guys, and I told Chris I'd call him tomorrow morning or whenever I woke up and see where he wanted me to meet them at and then we left.

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