2: Not a Wedding

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— The Kare house —

"Lilly!" Tyler yelled as he opened the door to his two-story home. When he got no answer he yelled her name again, annoyance clear in his voice.

Seconds later, he heard the sound of shoes clicking down the stairs. His youngest daughter, Lilly, came down. Anyone who knew Tyler Kare and saw Lilly they'd immediately know she's his daughter. She had his very blonde hair (although it's grey now), and his blue eyes. Tyler stared at her and she squirmed against his gaze, he smirked. Lilly was the type he hates. The innocent type that breaks down easily. That's why people like Lilly would never last in the business world. People would use her and take advantage of her. He even used people like that at work; they were almost always young, inexperienced spoils.

His deceased wife, Willow, was like that. Their parents forced them into marriage, but Tyler refused to be loyal to her. So, his 26-year-old-self went to a bar and there he met, Leslie. Tyler had an affair with her and got her pregnant 2 months later. That's how his eldest daughter, Violet, was conceived. After a drunken night with Willow, he slept with her and got her pregnant with Lilly. Willow then died during giving birth to Lilly. Tyler didn't care though, he didn't care about his wife or his daughter. He married Leslie later because of his family's pride.

That's why Tyler never liked Lilly. She was a reminder of the wife he despised.

"Dad?" called out Lilly. Tyler snapped back to reality. He scowled at her.

He walked into the living room. "Come." Tyler heard her footsteps behind him. He sat down on the couch and she sat next to him, but far away on the edge of the couch.

"Have you ever heard of Valentino Marrow?" He asked as he stared into his daughter's eyes, which were a replica of his. She nodded her head slowly while tucking strands of blonde locks behind her ear. Her sister sometimes talks about him and how handsome and rich he is. From what she's heard, he was a multi-billionaire who was quite famous to the public eye.

"I want you to marry him," he commanded nonchalantly. Lilly thought her eyes would pop out of her eye sockets.

"What?!" she yelled. Tyler's glare deepened at his daughter's outburst.

"Don't scream like that."

Lilly sat back down. "No."

"What do you mean no?" Tyler asked, obviously peeved at her. "It's not your decision. You will marry him." Lilly wanted to argue, but she knew if she did she would get punished. Her father was a very cruel man, he would hit Lilly and only Lilly; sadly, there are bruises on her back for proof. She didn't want to anger him, for she knew of the consequences. Lilly would not win this, so the only way to walk back to her room without a fresh bruise is to follow her father's orders.

"Yes, Father," she said not daring to look him in the eyes. He grunted in reply.

"Tyler, what's going on?" interrupted a voice that Lilly recognized too well,
Leslie, her stepmother. When Lilly turned her head towards her, she noticed that Violet, her half-sister, was also there next to her mother. Violet didn't look up as she descended the stairs, typing on her phone.

"I'll explain at dinner," Tyler growled and barked at a poor, young maid to start dinner. The maid fled quickly away from her moody master.

Lilly observed Violet as they ate their salads. Violet looked nothing like Tyler and Lilly. Violet took everything from her mother: black, silky hair; dark, brown eyes, which were almost black, and pale skin. There was no doubt that her half-sister was gorgeous. Since middle school and high school, everyone praised her beauty. Boys would drool over just a glimpse of her raven beauty. But Lilly had something Violet didn't have: brains.

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