14: St. Beth's Orphange

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"Lilly, are you ready yet?" Lilly heard Milo ask outside of the door for the third time. By now, it's 8 o'clock and Val has given up on her finishing, so he already went to the ball without her.

She took one last look at herself in the mirror and was pleased. Quickly, she pushes herself to the door, hoping that Milo hadn't given up on her too.

Lucky, he hasn't as he stands in front of her doorway in a handsome tux, fidgeting with the collar of his dress shirt.

He takes an up-and-down glance at her and looks rather surprised. "I didn't think it was possible, but you look...pretty?" he says sarcastically.

Lilly rolls her eyes at him and playfully — but strongly — punches him on the arm. She didn't take a chance to look at him when he groaned as she walked past him and into the elevator.

Just when the elevator was inching to close, Milo slipped in and glared at her; she responded with a friendly eye roll.

"Seriously, though," he says. "You're going to turn some eyes."

Something in his voice tells Lilly he's not being sarcastic, which makes her blush a little.

Her father, Leslie, and Violet would often go to these type of events (without her of course), and Violet would often tell — well more like brag — about the parties she went to. She'd often talk about the dances, champagne, and the men who would

Tonight was all about impression. Very important people from all around America will be judging her.

Even though Lilly has never been to an elite event such as this, she knew how it worked. They didn't care about the children or how much money they could raise to make one little boy or little girl's life even a little bit better from its miserable one; it was about wealth and power: the one who offers the highest profit shows — not how much they care about the children in question — but how much money and influence they have.

They'd wear their most expensive dresses and pearls just to simply show off.

None of the people behind the door that Lilly is now standing in front of are real.

They weren't human beings.

They were addicts who were addicted to materialistic things instead of drugs.

For today, Lilly would have to throw all her morals and principles away in order to honour her place as Valentino Marrow's wife, the woman of the Marrow household.

"Mrs Marrow, are you ready to meet your doom," Milo snickered next to her when he noticed her pale skin and rigid posture. Even though he was teasing, Lilly found otherwise when a worried expression crossed his tanned face.

Lilly felt anything but ready. She wanted to savour the little time she had without the obnoxious social elites behind the door.

"Oh, by the way," Milo said making Lilly shift her focus on him. "Don't worry about anything. If you need me, I'll be there."

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