18: Christmas Special IV

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**if you notice any mistakes, please point them out.**

It was dinner time when Lilly strode through the hallway towards the dining area, and it was also Thursday, which means all the highest men (including the Marrow and Kare family) would all be gathering to eat together. The mafia group uses this opportunity to catch up on what's going on, so most of the time they talk about business. Over the month, Lilly realized they were all close to each. They would throw jokes around and laugh constantly.

Everybody was already seated from where Lilly could see as she was about to enter.

She stopped abruptly when she saw something that made her heart clench, and an uncomfortable heat spread through her body.

The attractive woman that she saw from Val's office was there, too. Not only that, but she was sitting in her spot. The spot seated right next to her husband. She watched as she laughed at something Val said and lovingly put her hand over his.

That was supposed to be her. I'm his wife, Lilly pettily thought.

She couldn't take the pain anymore, so she wanted to run away. She slowly walked away from the scene. As she walked further, her heart cracked, even more, every time she remembered that Val didn't want her anymore. Maybe now that he's found the woman he's always pictured, he was going to toss her away. Lilly didn't want that. Lilly didn't want all their memories together to be thrown away like garbage. As if they all meant nothing.

Her intent was to go to her room and cry away, but suddenly she found herself in front of the main door that led outside.

She blankly stared at it in deep thought. All her instincts were telling her to open the door and simply flyway. But how was she supposed to leave Fiona? She could never ever leave Fiona permanently, for she knew the bitter coldness life would throw at her without a mother's love. That's why she would leave temporary. She needed time to escape all the people in her life and all the pain and just be by herself for one minute. That's all she needed.

Lilly grabbed the handle and opened the door to reveal the outside of the house and a beautiful cloudy day. She couldn't remember the last time she went out by herself. Usually, a guard would be on her tail 24/7. This is what she means. She only needed a moment of solitude.

Lilly noticed that one of Val's many cars outside stood out because it was quite simple. It looked expensive but not billionaire expensive like the rest, which would always attract attention. She needed something normal.

She grabbed the keys from on top of the car and opened it. The smell of cinnamon reached her nose when she got in, instantly reminding her of Christmas. She smiled at that.

Once she got the car starting, she instantly drove away. She knew that if she took even a minute to think, she would regret her decision.

Lilly didn't know where she was going as she drove away from the mansion. She remembered the road that the shady driver would take that led out of Val's land and into the city. She followed her memory and successfully made it into the city.

Melanie's favourite boutique was the first shop she saw, and then she saw the small cafe where Fiona would eat her favourite chocolate pudding. She smiled at all the things she saw. She didn't cry or feel sad because she would be back with a clearer mind; instead, she felt happier.

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