17: Chrismas Special III

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**if you notice any mistakes, please point them out.**

^ cute picture of Fiona (That's what she's wearing by the way) ^

"Fiona!" Lilly called out desperately. How could she lose her? she thought as tears stroked her red cheeks. "Fiona, baby, where are you?"

She ran through the halls, making sure to peek in at every empty room to see if her daughter was in there. But no luck.

It all started when she was playing with Fiona in her room. Lilly went to the bathroom, which was located in the room, for a towel when Fiona spilt juice on the floor. When she returned, her daughter wasn't there. Lilly knew she must've crawled away because she learned how to crawl two weeks ago.

"Fiona, it's Mommy. Where are you?" she yelled throughout the Estate. She cursed herself inside her head. How could she lose her precious baby? She was such a bad mother to have lost her.

She peeked into the last room in the hall but no one was in there. She cried even more as worry clouded her thoughts. What if she was in danger? What if she fell down the stairs, or maybe she touched something dangerous like glass or worse fire? She hated herself even more.

"Lilly?" a familiar feminine voice called out. Lilly turned around to see her sister standing not too far away...with Fiona in her arms.

Lilly gasped in relief as a few more tears rolled down. She ran towards Violet to take her. She hugged her daughter tightly as Fiona adorable giggled.

"I found her crawling in a random room," Violet said as she observed the mother and daughter.

"Thank you. Really, Violet," Lilly said with gratitude and a small smile.

"She's really pretty," Violet complimented. "She looks just like you and her father."

Lilly was stunned at her words. There was no hint of insult, sarcasm, or any form of mocking. It was a pure compliment.

Violet let out a shaky sigh. "I can't believe I'm an aunt." Her eyes were full of excitement and love for Fiona as she gazed her.

Lilly grinned. She liked her sister when she was a genuine human. It seemed her cold sister has a warm spot for her niece.

"Do you want to play with us?" she asked with hopeful eyes.

Violet's eyes lit up. "Really? I'd love that." She smiled from ear to ear at the offer.

Lilly led Violet to Fiona's room. For hours they only spoiled Fiona endlessly. Laughter and giggles were heard from the inside of the room.

"Has Conner talked about wanting kids?" Lilly innocently asked without knowledge of what had happened.

Violet's smile turned into a frown. "I wouldn't know. He broke up with me before we could even start talking about kids. But I think he did."

"Broke up?" Lilly said in disbelief. "I thought Conner was head-over-heels with you? What happened?"

Violet shrugged, obviously not wanting to talk about it, so Lilly stopped persisting.

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