3: A Divorce!

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Lana moaned against his lips as Valentino deepens the kiss. She tucked at the collar of his shirt lewdly. Suddenly, Lana's phone rings indicating a reminder. She pulls away and Valentino groans. Lana got up from his lap and gets her phone.

"You have a meeting with Henry Smith this afternoon, Mr Marrow," she said his name sarcastically with a seductive smile.

"Then you better get that file, Ms Kinston." Valentino pulls her into his lap once more and kisses her. Lana's eyes lit up in confusion and she pulls away from the kiss once more, and again Valentino groans. "What now?"

"I don't have the file," she confesses.

Valentino narrows his eyes at her. "What do you mean? I gave it to yo-" he starts then stops.

"What?" She asks.

"Shit, I left it at my house," he closed his eyes shut in annoyance.

"What's the big deal? Just go get it. We have a load of time before the meeting," she says.

He shook his head. "It's at my actual house." Valentino's referring to the house where his wife lives. His pregnant wife. The pregnant wife he sought out to avoid for as long a possible.

"Damn," Lana, his assistant, cursed. "It's not fair though! It's your house, too." She pulled him up from his chair. They went to his car and drove to his house. To his wife.

"Yeah, then she said—" Jo, her cousin, got interrupted by the sound of someone talking. Lilly also looked to the source of the sound.

Valentino walked in with his hands in his pockets as he leaves for his office.

"Who are you?" Jo asks Lana who was looking at her nails.

She looks at Lilly up and down and glares at her very pregnant belly. "God, you look like a whale," Lana insults.

"You bit-" Jo starts but stops when Valentino comes back with a file in his hand. "Got it," he says still not looking at Lilly. Lilly was crushed, but not as crushed as the time she told him the exciting news that she was pregnant 8 months ago.

"Alright, babe," Lana purrs at Valentino and pecks him on the cheek. Lana didn't waste time by looking at Lilly who was on the verge of tears.

"I can't believe that son of a bitch," Jo says when they left the house. Lilly only shakes her head. "It's alright."

Jo was confused. "What do you mean?" Lilly closed her eyes to try and stop the tears.

"We're not real. That's why."

Jo was enraged. She didn't quite understand Lilly's perspective. She thought her best friend was insane for thinking it was alright. "No."

"What do you mean?" This time it was Lilly who was confused.

"I mean no. You can't just let that bastard of a husband walk out of this house with his whore. We need to get revenge." Jo stood up as her dirty-blonde, pixie-cut hair bounced a little from the movement.

"File for a divorce," Jo declared.

"What? Are you crazy?" again, Lilly tried to stand, but again, she was too heavy. "Isn't that what he wants? To be free of me? Anyways, Dad would kill me if I divorced Valentino Marrow."

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