Chapter 1

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"Just be careful Dana, a girl in your state shouldn't be having too much excitement", my dad said as he loaded my tent into the back of my car.

"Can't you just tell Chris and Liz about your condition? It would help ease your father and I", my mum asked for the hundredth time since I told her my plans.

"Mum, I told I don't want anyone else to know, they don't need to know because if they know then everything will change they will look at me different and won't act the same around me. Trust me it's better this way", I said trying to get my point across.

"Dana we're your parents of course we're going to worry. But you need to let the people you are going away with know so they can help you if anything goes south", my dad stated as he closed the car's trunk.

"Mum, dad, I'll be fine besides I have the medical necklace, so if anything does happen I can get the right medical attention. I know you both will worry but I have to do this the way I am", I said trying to give them a convincing smile.

"Dana Melody Florence, you are on of the most strong headed individuals I have ever met, I glad to call you my daughter. Just be safe and don't take too many risks", my dad said before pulling me in for a hug.

When my mum joined in for the hug I noticed she was crying, so I whispered in her ear, "don't worry mum I'll be home before you know it. I love you".

That seem to put her at ease at least for now. I got into the drivers side of my car, and took a deep breath before turning it on, I rolled down my window and waved and said my goodbyes before pulling out of the drive way.

It took me only about me about twenty minutes to get to Chris and Liz's house. Chris and Liz are my best friends; I've known them since I was in kindergarten, they are twins but fraternal twins since Chris is a boy and Liz is a girl. They both have dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, compared to my dark brown hair and brown eyes. Every year in the summer since about junior year in high school, we go to a music festival, this year I got to choose where we got to go, so it was go big or go home, I decided we would go to Coachella, since we already lived in California and it wouldn't be that far to drive. I pulled into their drive, and I saw them waiting outside their garage, with two other people I've never seen before.

I stopped my car and put it in park, and got out to greet them. Liz ran and hugged me since it was ages since we last saw each other, since both Liz and Chris go to different university. Liz goes to Pratt University, she is very artistic and can write really well, plus she got a scholarship to go there. Chris on the other hand got a scholarship to play soccer at the University of North Carolina. As for me I stayed close to home and go to the University of California.

"DANA!! It's been so long I've missed you!" Liz exclaimed as she squeezed me.

"I know Liz! I've missed both you and Chris", I said, kind of out of breath because when Liz hugs she squeezes you till you can barely breathe.

"Liz, let Dana go she needs some air", Chris said as he walked over, I barely recognized him. Before he left for college last year he was a little bit on the heavier side, but was still extremely good a soccer. I guess he lost a lot of weight and started to live healthier.

"Looking good Chris", I said before hugged him.

"Thanks Dana you look", he hesitated before finishing, "you look well".

"Thanks", I said back. I did loose quite a bit of weight myself but not too much.

"Oh, Dana, I want you to meet Thom!" Liz said pulling me over to the strangers.

"Thom this is my best friend Dana, and Dana this is my boyfriend Thom", she said introducing me to the tall guy, with dark brown hair and blue eyes.

"Nice to meet you Dana", Thom said.

"Nice to meet you too", I said back.

"Dana", Chris said, "This is Lily". He said as he pulled me over to the red hair girl with green eyes.

"Its nice to finally put a face to the name", Lily said, "Thom has talked so much about his you, but he never told me how pretty you are".

I laughed nervously, "Umm.. Thanks. I guess, it's nice to meet you as well".

I honestly was not expecting both Chris and Liz to have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, for this trip, but I guess times do change and people change as well. We had to split up into two cars since my Ford Focus wouldn't be able to fit everyone in and all their stuff. I decided to suggest, all the bags and tents and food can go in my car, and the others can just drive in the separate car. So the summer kicked other not so brightly.

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