Chapter 14

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I don't know if you guys read my other fanfic if not I'll just write it again..

Last week.i was rushed to hospital with an anxiety attack I'm fine now tho bit at the hospital I came out bisexual to my family and they all took it good👍

Iv been really sick lately and Iv no idea why my parents think it's to do with the anxiety because the day after I came back from hospital I took another attack in school.

Plus Iv been doing really important exams...


It's been three weeks and four days since we seen any other person me and Lauren are closer than ever but we are missing home madly.

"Hey camz can you help me with this?" I heard Lauren from the other side of the beach

I left our shelter and made my way over to her "sure what needs done?" I asked "can you collect more sticks so I can redo this SOS sign? Please"she asked

"Sure but what do I get in return"i asked she smirked walking over to me "oh I dunno"she laughed putting her hands on my waist whilst I put my arms around her neck "this should do"i mumbled

Just before connecting our lips they moved in perfect sync together after a few seconds it got heated and she ran her tongue along my bottom lip

But before I got a chance to let her in she jerked back "what's wrong"i frowned "shh" she shh'ed me just then I heard a loud buzz.

"Camz you hear that?"she asked i nodded and she ran over to wear our shelter was I didn't bother to follow but in stead to search the sky to see where the sound was coming from.

Lauren arrived back to me a few seconds later with the flare gun and flares just as a plane crossed over the island.

Lauren loaded the gun and shot it up and loaded it a second time and shot it again the plane must have noticed us screaming and waving our hands because it began to land on the island.

Once in was on the sand we ran over to it.


It's an actual plane me and camz ran over to it whilst two men got of it
"Hey Pete is this not the two high schoolers that's been missing for a month?" the bald man asked the other.

"Yeah we are can you take us home?"camila spoke up "of course darling but youv been gone a month how the hell did you survive?"he asked her and Camila turned her head towards me

"She's tougher than she looks"camila grinned I smiled back at her,

"You ready?"the bald man asked we both nodded and we all bored the plane me and Camila at the back.

Once we were in the sky Camila stared out the window out until the sea and the only thing going through my head was

'What will happen to us when we land'


I'm sorry it's short I just felt bad because I haven't updated in a while so it's just sort of a filler let me know what you guys think


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