Chapter 18

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You guys are going to hate me but anyway here is the next chapter,



I woke up out of my dream startled at the sound of my alarm going of I looked around the room panting.

I take my phone of the bed side table and click on to ally's contact list.


L- ally?

A- yeah what's up laur?

L- where have I been the past month?

A- in Miami with me going to school why did you ask such a silly question,

L- oh my god it was all a dream

A- what was a dream,

A-better yet explain to me when I pick you up.

L-pick me up? for what?

A-school now get ready I'm picking you up in twenty.

Then she hung up,

This was all a dream? it seemed so realistic.

I stood up from my bed and went straight to the bathroom I checked my arms for cuts but it was only my old ones there were no recent cuts.

I took a deep breath and started getting ready for school.

Once dressed I heard a beep meaning ally had arrived I grabbed my phone and left the house.

"Hey laur"ally smiled "hey allycat" I mumbled "so what's wrong what's this weird dream you had?" she asked giggling.

I told ally the whole story and she went from laughing to serious face.

"So what are you going to tell mila?"she asked "what you mean mila?" I asked confused

"Lauren what the hell is up with you?"she asked in all seriousness "we hate camila? so why are you calling her mila?" I asked

"Shit"ally mumbled "ally?"i questioned she looked up at me worry in her eyes

"I'm taking you to see a doctor!"she told me starting her car up again and driving out of school.

"Wait why?" I asked "laur Milas your girlfriend, we are all bestfriends me you mila Dinah and Normani? you have been dating her since the start of high school when you finally had the courage to ask her out" she told me.

"Wait no this doesn't make since Even before the dream happened we were getting bullied by Camila Dinah and Normani because they were popular and we weren't we hated them."i told her

"Laur we have known them since kindergarden me and mani were the year above remember?"she asked

"I don't remember any of this"i told her worried. as we pulled into the hospital ally took me straight in and explained to the woman at the front desk who showed us to the doctor.

As we walked in I saw a tall man with dark hair "hello Lauren" he smiled I smiled politely back.

"So what seems to be the problem"he asked me as ally say beside me,

"Lauren rang me this morning and told me she had a weird dream when she explained it to me she seemed to think it was still real kinda she can't remember anything"ally told him

The doctor looked at me funnily "so you seem to think your living the dream?"he asked "no I had a dream I was stranded on an island but my life before that was real? everything ally is telling me I cannot remember" I told him.

After serval minutes of questions being thrown at me the doctor told me he was going to run a few test to see what actually could be causing the memory lose,

Walking out of the doctors room and entering the waiting area I was surprised with arms been thrown round me.

I stood there awkwardly while this person hugged me, once they had let me go I saw that it was Camila giving me a confused look.

"Lo? it's me can't you remember?"she asked I shook my head her eyes filling up with tears as Dinah and Normani made there way over to us I back up a little until I hit a wall.

They shot me confused looks "in her dream you guys bullied us"ally told them "it wasn't a dream it was real because if it wasn't real why can't I remember my life why do I feel the same why do I still have my self harm scars"i snapped at ally.

"Wait what self harm scars" Camila asked tears running down her face I looked at her confused "Lauren she didn't know no one knew except us"ally told me looking down.

This was getting to much for me I can't remember my life what the actual fuck!?

"You cut yourself when? why?"camila asked coming closer I just backed away which made her expression go to looking her.

"This isn't what my life was like you used to bully me until we got stuck on that stupid island then you went back to Luke then back to me and you two"i said pointing at Dinah and Normani

"You two used to make my life hell not one day would go by without you slamming me into my locker calling me a faggot or a dyke the only one that was there for me was ally and my grandpa!"i shouted everyone looked shocked.

"Lauren your grandpa died when you were 15"ally told me softly i looked at her in complete shock "what? but then were did I go when my parents kicked me out"i asked they all looked uncomfortable.

"Lauren you live in your grandpas house which he left you in his will your parents they uh" ally didn't Finish her sentence

"The died when you were 8 lo" Camila told me "that's why your grandpa took you in but he died of a stroke"she added

I really couldn't take this anymore I was getting way to confused my breathing became rapid.

I turned to a wall and kicked it as hard as I could I kept kicking and punching that fucking wall until someone trailed me back I couldn't breath at this point.

Whoever it was sat my head on there shoulder I saw ally run out of the room and back in with the doctor "it's going to be okay lo" I heard someone say as they kissed my head I think it was camila

But is everything really going to be okay?


I'm sorry🙌 but let me know what you think of the plot twist?



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