Should I tell her?

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Imagine (Kaj)

You were on school and you heard the boys talking about you. Suddenly you heard Kaj saying "I haven't found the right moment to tell her, it has to be perfect" you listened intently, not believing your ears. Kaj van der Voort liked you? THE Kaj van der Voort? "She has to like you back, Kaj have you seen the way she looked at you?" Samuel asked. "Just tell her, you know she'll feel the same way! Take her out on a date and tell her"

you couldn't believe it, is he gonna take you on a date?

So when Kaj texted you he will pick you up at 7, you were getting real nervous. Suddenly the doorbel rang, you opened the door and you saw Kaj standing in front of you, he was perfect.

"You look nice" he commented "Thank you" you said nervously while walking to the car. The night drew to a close and you said goodbye, walking slowly to your door. As you opened the door, you turned to see Kaj running out behind you.

"Hey, so I decided not to wait until tomorrow, I have something for you" he said. "Really? What is it?" You asked, and then his lips were on yours and your back hitted the door, his body pressed against yours. His warm hand tilted your face up to meet his and he smiled into the kiss, making you smile too. When he pulled back, his face was red, he gave you a small smile.

"I hope.. I hope that that was okay, I've been wanting to give that for a while now" "Kaj.. That was more than okay, I wanted to give you the same thing" without saying any other word, he got extremely closer to you.

As much as you wanted to say something, you were still in "schock" of what he had just told and did to you. As he was about a centimeter away from you, he wrapped his arms around your torso. While doing that you opened the door because it was getting cold outside.

When you both were in the living room, Kaj continued what he was doing. You kissed him back and he made patterns under your shirt, along your spine which gave you chills. He wouldn't let you say a word. Kaj was trying to find the sweet spots on your neck. He came back to your lips and picked you up, and you wrapped your legs around his waist.

You were getting a little bit nervous bc you had no idea where this was leading to. "Ka.. Kaj" you whispered trying to keep him off. "Am I doing something wrong?" He asked, looking a bit worried. "No.. I just.. I think I like you.." He smiled and moved a strand of hair behind your ear.

You nodded, letting him continue. I instantly crashed his lips intho his, his hand traveled from my head to my waist again, as mine went to his neck. I stood on my toes, trying to be as tall as possible. I cupped his cheeck with my hand, as he rushed to the living room, before sitting down on the couch. I sat on his lap, wrapping my legs around his waist.

"So, you like me huh?" He asked, probably already having an idea of the answer. My hands found themselves to the collar of his shirt, and I placed another kiss on the side of his lips as he smiled. "Of course I do" I answered quickly, before placing another kiss. He smiled and picked me up and dropped me on the couch and started walking towards the door, making me pout.

"I need to go now, I didnt know it was this late, we kissed a little bit long.." I couldn't help but smile, he was so cute. "Wait for me!" I said, running towards to him. I jumped on his back, making him lose his balance for a second. He gained his balance again, then grabbed my legs. "I really need to go now, I'll see you tomorrow at school, babygirl" and he winked.

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