15. Make it Weird (Part 1)

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My weekend is going to be so boring. Usually I'll have a sleepover with Gina least one night each weekend, usually tonight so that we can unwind after a long school week. We'd order a pizza (I let myself eat dairy when hanging out with friends) and watch a movie or binge a TV show. I swear we've watched the first two seasons of A Call from Midnight at least twenty times. But tonight, I'm on my own. Mom was a little concerned when I told her I didn't have any plans on a Friday night, but I've been watching Netflix on my phone, so... it's all good.

Despite my earbuds, I hear a knock at my door. "Come in," I say.

Mom walks in, her brows raised. "You don't have any plans with Thatcher or your new theater friends tonight?"


She sits on the edge of my bed, so I pause A Call from Midnight and take out my earbuds.

"I know you're upset about Gina, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm proud of you for distancing yourself from her. I think you should try to work on your relationships with these new kids. They seem supportive."

"They are."

"So, I was thinking... what if I make some dip, order some dairy pizza and breadsticks? Hang out upstairs while you have some friends over to hang out? You can watch whatever you were watching on your phone downstairs."

I can't help my let a grin spread over my lips. "Really?"

She nods. "I'm proud of you for many reasons. I want to show you."

"You do know that two of my new theater friends are boys, right?"

"Thatcher's one of them, though. I trust him. He's been a good influence on you, and after seeing where he comes from, I think you might be a good influence on him too."

"If you're serious, I'll invite them over."

"I am. Go ahead. What kind of pizza should I order?" she asks as she gets up to go.

"Just cheese is fine. Thanks, Mom."

"Sure. Let me know who's coming when you hear from them."

I open up messenger and send them all a group message. It reads, "My mom is the coolest all of the sudden and suggested I invite you guys over tonight. She's ordering pizza and making dip. She makes a killer guac. We can hang out at watch TV."

I wait nervously as I watch each of their profile pictures appear, letting me know they've read the message.

Thatcher Gorsky: I'm in. Super bored here. What time? (5:23pm)

Janie Myers: Let's say 6? (5:23pm)

Thatcher Gorsky: Awesome, see you then! For everyone involved, believe Janie when she says her mom's cooking is good. (5:24pm)

Timothy Boone: Yeah, dude, I'm down for any shindig where guac is involved. What's the address? (5:25pm)

Janie Myers: 154 Walnut (5:25pm)

Timothy Boone: Ah, in the historic nut neighborhood of Riverside. Love the vibe over there. See you at 6. (5:26pm)

Patti Weiner: Yay! Misfits unite! I can't wait! See you then! (5:27pm)

I take a deep breath. Thatcher, Moth, and Patti will be at my house to hang out in about half an hour. I can't wait.

Thirty minutes, a new outfit, and some fresh makeup later, my first guest arrives. I race down the stairs. "I'll get it," I call.

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