25. Snowball (Part Four)

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I feel way more exposed now, but I'm not going to let the moment pass again. Or at least, I don't want to let it pass again.

Thatcher takes my hand again, our fingers intertwining, and I step closer. I let my head rest on his heart again, and he wraps his arm around my waist, holding me, allowing me to stay nestled beside him. We sway back and forth sleepily, but I can hear his heart beat at a faster pace.

The strange thing about being out in the open like we are now, with only about half of the dancers still on the dance floor anymore, is that somehow, it's more private. Everyone is in their own little worlds as they dance, and as I look around, I don't see a single judgmental eye on the sidelines. Apparently all the Ginas—real and metaphorical—have left with Patti and Moth. For this moment, in this space, Thatcher and I can be exactly ourselves.

"I had a lot of fun tonight," I tell him without moving my head from his chest.

Then he does something that sends tingles from the top of my head down my spine and fills me with warmth. He leans down and kisses the very top of my forehead, his lips half on my skin and half in my hair, half romantically and half friendly.

When the initial shock dissipates, I turn my face upward, and when I do, I catch him looking down at me too. He smiles briefly. "I'm really glad I know you, Janie," he says. "You make me really happy."

My heart swells, taking my breath away.

"You make me really happy too."

He swallows hard, and I'm close enough to him that I can see his Adam's apple move. "I hope it was okay that I kissed your forehead. Sorry about that."

"No... it was okay."


I don't want to look away. I don't want this moment to end. There's no other place that I'd rather be in this whole big world than in Thatcher's gaze right now.

He swallows again, this time leading our clasped hands toward my face. With his thumb, he lightly brushes my cheek. My heart feels like it's exploding with tingles that permeate through my chest, continuously pressing the air from my lungs. My whole body moves as I take a breath.

He follows my lead and takes a deep breath as well. When he lets it go, he uses the momentum to lean down and kiss my cheek.

I'm completely swept up in the moment. In my mind's eye, Thatcher and I are the only two on the dance floor, no, in the world, and we're cocooned in a fuzzy, warm haze where I can be brave.

If he makes you happy, there's no reason not to let yourself be happy sooner rather than later, I think, echoing Moth's message to me earlier.

Before Thatcher can lift his head away from me, I move to kiss his cheek too.

What did I do? I briefly panic. That is, until Thatcher smiles at me. He releases his hand from mine and moves it to my face, cupping my head in his warm embrace. His focus moves from my eyes to my lips.

Oh my god, he's going to kiss me. I close my eyes, and after a moment of anticipation, his lips find mine, just for a quick peck. My first kiss, and a tester, it appears; because he quickly draws away to scan my face.

I smile. "Finally," I say.

He breathes a sigh of relief, and then moves in to kiss me again. This time it's soft and slow, as gentle as Thatcher has always been with me, and I wonder how long he's waited to do this too.

He pulls away and rests the top of his forehead on mine. "Finally," he repeats.

And just like that, the song ends, the haze falls, and we are back to reality.

"Well, kids, that's all for now," the DJ says over the sound system. "I hope you all had a great night."

Thatcher smiles, and I can hear it in his voice. "Best night."

I hold on as tightly as I can before we have to go. Definitely the best night.

"I wish it didn't have to end," I say.

Thatcher checks the clock over the doors. "It's only ten. You have until eleven. Maybe it doesn't have to end just yet."

I smile. What is he thinking?

He takes my hand and starts to lead me off of the dance floor. "C'mon, let's get back to the limo."

I'm not sure what he has planned for us after we're dropped off, but I trust him. And I like him. And he likes me. And I know that no matter what happens next, I'll be surfing this high the whole rest of my life.

Thank you for hanging in there with my for all four parts! This chapter brought me so much joy to write, so I really hope you enjoyed it too! Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

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