• Oh God, You're In Love •

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A/N: So it says I uploaded this on Valentine's Day and now it's saying I didn't ???? I don't know. Just here ya go!

Valentine's Day. Shane hated this day more than any other, for various reasons of course. One reason is because it's just a way for companies to make money off of lovesick fools. Another is because it's too lovey dovey for him to handle. Yet neither of these reasons are the true reason as to why he despises the holiday. The real reason is because he knows he can't be with the one person he wants to be with, Ryan Bergara.

This year, the horrid holiday fell on a weekday. This means that Shane is forced to spend a little bit of it with Ryan. Taking in a deep, Shane trudged through the building to his workspace.

"Morning, Shane!" Ryan greeted him. There was some sort of excitement lacing his voice, that was usually never there in the morning time.

Shane grumbled a "Good morning, Ryan." and continued to set things in their proper place. This left Ryan a bit confused. He knew Shane wasn't a morning person, but he usually wasn't this grumpy.

"Why are you so cranky this morning? And on Valentine's Day of all days!" Ryan was leaned against the desk with his arms crossed, he was getting an answer one way or another.

"I'm not cranky, I hate Valentine's Day, and I just want to go home and sleep." Shane looked anywhere but Ryan, he was trying to avoid eye contact. This made Ryan very suspicious.

After a few minutes of somewhat awkward silence, Ryan spoke up. "Oh god, you're in love!" Shane stared at the Boogara with wide eyes. Both seemed to be frozen until Ryan grinned.

"You are! I knew it! Who is it? Do I know them?" As Ryan rambled on with his questions, Shane stood frozen with fear. What if he finds out? This will ruin everything!

Being pulled back out of his trance, Shane simply shook his head. "I'm not in love, there's nobody, and I hate Valentine's Day." With that, the conversation was dropped, but not forgotten.


They both worked steadily throughout the morning until someone interrupted the routine. "Delivery for Shane Madej?"

Shane turned quickly to look at the delivery man. "Uh, that's me." With a confused smile, Shane looked at what the man held. A flower? Why just one? And who would even-

His train of thought was cut off when he realized the delivery man was waiting for him to take his gift. Shane stood from his seat and took the rose, "Um, yes, thank you." The man gave him a nod and a left to go make his other deliveries.

Ryan walked over to Shane and looked at the rose. "A salmon colored rose? That's a bit untraditional, wonder who could've sent it." Shane shrugged at this and sat back down in his seat.

Shane waited for Ryan to get back to work before he looked up anything. Once he saw Ryan completely distracted from him, he pulled up trusty ol' Google.

Search: what does a salmon colored rose mean?

Shane waited impatiently as his search was loading. A few seconds felt like forever! He drummed his fingers against the cold desk and glared at the screen. His drumming came to a stop when the read the first thing to pop up.

A long definition about what yellow and orange flowers meant was presented before his eyes. As he kept reading, he finally found what he was looking for.

Salmon roses can indicate many things, but their overall meaning is desire.

With wide eyes, Shane reread the sentence. Desire. That one word began to fill his mind. Desire, desire, desire, who would desire me? What kind of cruel joke is this? His thoughts were interrupted, yet again, by his coworker and best friend, Ryan.

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