• Starry Nights & Morning Rays of Light•

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How Shane and Ryan ended up out in the middle of a field at two in the morning, they don't know, but they're happy they did. Stargazing has always been on Ryan's bucket list, and now he gets to enjoy it with the person he loves the most in the world, Shane. It's quiet and peaceful, but not in a sleeping way, it's more of a silent comfort way.

Both laying down looking at the sky, hands intertwined, Ryan broke the stillness. "Don't talk, just listen. I have a few things I want to say." He spoke softly and giving Shane's hand a small squeeze.

Taking a deep breath in and slowly releasing it, Ryan continued on. "I love you. I love spending time with you. I'd do anything for you, I hope you know that. I'm so lucky I get to spend the rest my life with you. I can't wait for our adventures together! Then again, everyday is an adventure since I'm with you." He paused at this and decided to take a moment to think of the best words to use next.

"I want a family with you. I want a couple of kids, a nice house with a nice yard, and some pets. It'll be perfect. Could you imagine it? Us, parents! It all seems so surreal." Ryan was now sitting up and looking down at Shane, who had propped himself up on his elbows. "You'd be an amazing father. There's no doubt in my mind that our little girl or boy would be as perfect as you are."

Shane remained silent, he knew Ryan wanted to say more and he didn't want to make him feel rushed. He sat up facing Ryan and offered him a smile of encouragement. "You're perfect, did ya know that? In every single way. You're absolutely astonishing and I can't get enough of you. From the way you make me laugh to the way you make me beg for you to touch me, I love it, all of it. I love you. I love the stupid Hotdaga, but if you ever say that to anyone, I will deny it. I just felt you should know that I'd do anything for you and that I love you very very much."

Ryan let out a sigh, one of relief and contentment, while Shane looked at him like he was the world. They let a few moments of silence pass through the air, neither saying a word but knowing every word they wanted to say. Shane was the first of the two to move, intense love filled the air between them as he kissed Ryan tenderly on the lips. The kiss was soft and gentle, full of passion and want. Their lips fit together perfectly, and it sent sparks of magic and electricity coursing through their bloodstreams.

What felt like too soon, Shane pulled away leaving Ryan breathless. Foreheads rested together and breath mixing within one another's, they were on a high. Staring into the eyes of your lover is like looking at the answer to life, you don't know what it is but you know it's something special. Minutes of pecks on the lips passed before Shane spoke up.

"I'm not good with the whole love thing. I'm not good with telling people how I feel about them. With you, it's different. It's like... it's like I can start on about nothing at all and end with wanting to tell you how much I love you. I don't think there are enough words to describe how beautiful of a person you are, inside and out. I don't think I could live without you in my life. You make me complete, you're perfect. Your lips are so full and kissable. Your hair wooshes just the right way. Your smile, oh god, don't get me started on that stunning feature. Your wheezes are adorable and your laugh is music to my ears. I love everything about you and I find new reasons to love you every day. Thank you for loving me enough to marry me and want to start a family with me, I love you so much, I never want to stop."

Tears brimmed Shane's eyes as he finished speaking. Ryan was flabbergasted, he didn't know what he could say to show Shane he loved him just as much- maybe even more. Ryan was lost in thought as he heard Shane whimper out "Say something." All Ryan could say is "I love you." and kiss him fiercely.

That's how they ended up making out intensely at three in the morning in the middle of nowhere. The air was not filled with silence, but instead it was filled with moans, whimpers, growls, and other interesting noises. It was over as soon as it started, both had worn themselves out and ended up in a cuddling position. Slowly but surely, they fell asleep in one another's embrace, only to wake up to early morning rays of light.

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