♛ II ♛

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After the classes, I went to the school canteen, and while I was finding some place to sit I heard someone calling my name.


I turned out, and two guys were sitting at the table looking at me. "Do you wanna join us?" Jimin said, pointing at the empty chair next to him.

"I think I should just eat alone," I answered turning back.

"Stop talking nonsense, there isn't any other empty space anyway," Jimin complained.

I sighed and sat next to him. When I was putting my tray on the table, I looked at the guy on the other side.

"Are you going to stare at me all day, or will you start eating?" Yoongi said stuffing his mouth with a salad.

"I-I'm eating, Yoongi," I said nervously, my voice was trembling.

Why is he so scary?

"Ah, you know each other?" Jimin said in surprise.

"Yeah, he's my piano teacher, but I was there just once," I said, and eyed Yoongi. I was staring at his brown sparkly eyes and his beautiful pale skin until Jimin woke me up with his fist... He punched me in my shoulder.

"That hurts!"

"Sorry Y/N, I've never had a female friend before. I was used to punching my friends whenever they seemed confused." Jimin said, giving me a soft peck on my shoulder.

"Yuck, my appetite is gone," Yoongi said and left us.

"Is he always like that?" I asked curiously, sipping my orange juice.

"Not at all. To be honest he's seriously such a baby sometimes. Did you do something wrong to him?"

"I'm not sure... I didn't pay attention when he was talking for a few seconds, and he started to yell at me."

"That's not it... He's used to it since he's handsome. Are you sure that it's all you've done?"

"If I did, I don't know about it."

"Nevermind. By the way, are you free today? Jimin asked, wiping his hands with a damp napkin.

"I think so, why?"

"Yoongi and I planned to watch an ice-hockey match today, but he canceled it, and I don't want to watch it alone. That's boring and sad."

"I don't know. I'm not a big fan of ice-hockey," I said, biting my lower lip.

"That doesn't matter. Please, you're the only friend I have that doesn't smell or isn't busy all the time."

Did he just call me his friend? Was making friends always this easy?

"Well, I think that I can come for a while if you want."

He handed me his mobile phone and said. "Okay, so please type there your phone number and I'll send you my address after the lesson. I have to go... Bye Y/N, see you soon."

When I came back home, I lay on my bed looking at the ceiling. Then I heard an SMS sound, which I didn't hear for a really long time. Jimin sent me his address and added: "I'm waiting for you, Y/N."

I'm really happy that I've finally found a friend... I didn't have any since I finished an elementary school.

It's 7 pm, and I'm still not ready. What should I do... I have to be in front of his door at 8 pm. I opened my closet and started browsing through my clothes. I chose a blue plain sweater and black skinny jeans. My thighs are bit chubby, so I don't like to wear light jeans.

While I was putting on my old sneakers, I heard my father screaming at my mom, again, so I left the house as fast as I could and got on the bike.

I arrived at Jimin's place five minutes after 8 pm. Right after I knocked on the door, Jimin jumped out of the door.

"Ah, you are here!" He screamed and hugged me tightly.

"Ji-jimin, I can't breathe."

"Oh, I'm sorry Y/N. I always forget that you're a girl." He laughed.

"Do I look like a boy to you?!"

"Of course not, maybe just the clothes. You don't have any girly clothes in your closet?"

"Well, my father said, that these are pretty."

"And you like them? Your dad just wants to hide your beauty, all fathers do that to their daughters." Jimin said, and went to the living room, and I followed him.

"How can you know that?"

"I have a younger sister, so that's why."

He turned on the TV, and the match started. But while he was screaming at the players, someone knocked on the door. Jimin stood up and went to open.

"I thought that you were busy," Jimin said, smiling at the guy that was standing behind the door, taking off his shoes.

"I know," the unknown said and entered the room.

"Oh, so you have a date, do I disturb?"

"It's not a date, Hoseok. Sit down next to her, I'll bring some drinks."

"Hi, I'm Hoseok, what's your name, cutie?"

Seriously? Cutie?

"My name is Y/N," I said pulling myself a little bit farther from him.

"Such a beautiful na-"

Someone knocked again.

"Arghhh, seriously? They said they won't come," Jimin said, going to open the door.

"Yoongi, you are here too!"

I just want to say that English isn't my first language, so if you'll find any mistakes please be tolerant and tell me. (I'll also really appreciate every vote and support. 💜)

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