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"Did you find an apartment?" My dad asked me with a malicious grin on his face.

He was sitting on the couch in the living room, watching reality shows with a beer in his hands. The smell of his dirty feet was spreading all over the room, while my mom was ironing his clothes with a tired expression.

"Not yet, but I'm gonna find it soon," I said calmly, beginning to slowly reconcile. In fact, I'm looking forward to moving, because everything would be better than living with this shitty family. Even if, it'll be some gloomy apartment on the outskirts of the city.

I sat at the desk, typing a password to my laptop. I began browsing through the advertisements of lease of a flat, but everything was either too expensive or too far from my school. Although I tried, none of them were cheap enough.

During the typography lesson, I couldn't stop thinking about the moving. What if I won't find an apartment? Will they let me live on the street, begging for a piece of bread? A small tear escaped from my eye and dropped on my exercise book, dissolving a part of the text. When Jimin, who was sitting next to me, noticed that, he tapped my back and asked. "Are you okay?"

"Of course," I responded with a fake smile, wiping my eyes.

Right after the lesson ended, I rushed away to calm myself at the ladies toilets. I hid in the cabin and leaned myself on the door, trying to cry as quietly as possible. After I stopped crying, I get off the cabin and washed my face with warm water. "Everything's gonna be okay, Y/N," I mumbled to myself, looking at my reflection in the mirror.

But, when I opened the door, Jimin was standing in front of me.

"What are you doing in front of the ladies toilets?" I asked, looking at him with a confused expression. My face was still wet and my eyes were significantly red from crying.

"I was worried, what happened? You know, you can tell me everything, right?"

"I don't wanna talk about it, especially not here," I said, trying to walk around him.

"Okay, come with me," Jimin said and grabbed my hand tightly, leading me out of the school. We sat on the bench beside the school pitch, where currently some students were playing basketball.

"So, tell me," Jimin said, looking right into my still reddish eyes.

"I have to move out of my house, but I can't find any affordable apartment. I'm afraid that my parents will just let me die under the bridge. But I'll deal with it somehow, don't worry."

"I'm really sorry, Y/N. In fact, I have no idea, how can I help you," Jimin said sadly, and the ambiance turned quiet for a while. We were both calmly watching the players on the pitch until Jimin interrupted the silence, and said. "Yoongi is living alone."

"And what about it?" I asked confused, looking at his side profile.

"Maybe you can ask him if you can live with him. He's always complaining, that he needs some help with the rent. It would be much better if you'll split it between you two."

"That will probably help me, but I don't think, that Yoongi will agree," I said, stroking my thighs.

Suddenly, one of the players started to run against us. The closer he was, the more recognizable his facial features were.

"Yoongi!" Jimin shouted, getting up from the bench.

"Hi, Y/N," Yoongi said, completely ignoring Jimin. "What are you doing there?" Yoongi continued and took a sip of water.

Jimin rolled his eyes and answered. "We were just talking about you... What about, if Y/N will live with you?"

Right after Jimin finished the sentence, the water from Yoongi's mouth ran out straight on my creamy, striped sweater. I grinned my teeth, as I felt the cold water flowing down my belly.

"I'm sorry Y/N, I was just surprised," Yoongi said, chuckling.

"So, Can I?" I said nervously. "I don't have any other place to live in." I was looking at him closely, waiting for his response.

"If you won't snore all over the apartment and steal my clothes. Why not..."

I couldn't breathe from happiness, and my heart beat like crazy. I couldn't hold myself and hugged Yoongi as if I never want to let him go. He stayed frozen for a while, but then I felt his cold hands wrapping around my waist.

"Thank you, Yoongi."

We stayed like this for a couple of seconds, as if we're glued together.

"I shouldn't have proposed that."


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