♛ VI ♛

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"Dad, I'm leaving. I've found an apartment as you wanted me to, so I won't bother you anymore."

He was trying to hide his smile, but I noticed that anyway. I rolled my eyes and immediately ran upstairs into my cold room, as I always forget to close the window. I put on the warmest sweater I have and started to throw all of my clothes on the bed to pack them. But then I noticed that a small piece of paper is lying under the clothes on my bed. I grabbed the red hoodie, which was covering it and saw a small pile of money.

"It's from me. Don't tell your father, he would probably be against it." My mum said, standing at the door of my room with hands placed on her wide hips.

The silence was interrupted by her tears falling down on the wooden floor at irregular intervals. Does she really think, that I'll forgive her that easily? I didn't respond to her, waiting till she leaves.

While I was lying on my red plastic suitcase, trying to close it, I heard my father screaming at me. "Y/N, doorbell!"

I ran downstairs to open the door, but when I realized who's standing in front of the threshold of our house, I closed them right away.

"Who was it?" My dad asked me angrily when he saw how I reacted.

"Nobody!" I yelled at him, still firmly holding the handle.

He pushed me away like I weighed nothing and opened the door. When he saw Yoongi, which was observing him with a confused look, he grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him closer. "What do you want, you bum?"

"I-I just wa-wanted to pick up Y/N, she's going to be m-my roommate," Yoongi stammered, looking directly into my father's eyes.

"Oh, really? You should have said it sooner, do you want a coffee?" My dad asked, smiling at him oddly.

He looked at me with a confused look and tried to respond to my father. "No tha-"

"Y/N, two cups of coffee!" He interrupted him and they both sat down on the small couch with dark violet pillows on it, while I was pouring warm water into the kettle. After I brought them coffee, spilling it all over the floor, as usual, I ran to my room for my suitcase. While I walked down the stairs with the huge, heavy suitcase in my bony hands, suddenly Yoongi ran against me and said. "Let go, I'll put it in the trunk."

Yoongi was already sitting in the car, and I stood in front of the opened door, waiting if my parents will at least tell me goodbye.

But they didn't.

Not even my mom.

I sat in the seat next to Yoongi, and looking through the greasy window I noticed, that my mum is looking at us from the garden, hidden behind the corner of our house. I was looking at her till she disappeared into the thick fog.

"Your dad is such an asshole. I'm sorry, but I don't like him at all," Yoongi said, highly focused on the road.

Still looking from the window I responded. "It's okay, he doesn't like you either. He's just happy because he'll finally get rid of me thanks to you."

He stayed quiet until we reached Yoongi's house, where I already was for a few times. Right after he unlocked the door, I jumped on his tiny yellow couch, hugging the plush Kumamon pillow, which was lying on it. "So, where am I gonna sleep?"

"Don't dare you to touch it again!" Yoongi yelled, grabbing the pillow from my weak hands and put it on the shelf, which was full of comic books and magazines.

"I didn't mean to upset you. Is there something else I can't touch?"

He just sighed, grabbed my hand and lead me to the bedroom. Besides an enormous bed with black satin bedding, a mattress covered with a brown hand-knitted blanket lay on the floor. Pointing to that mattress, he announced. "There's your bed, I'll sleep right next to you, so don't snore too loud."

"Are you serious? I don't want to sleep on that tiny mattress under that smelly blanket."

"Would you rather sleep under the bridge?"

"You won." 
It's probably the first time I said something like that, because I'm a little bit stubborn, just like my dad.

While I was trying to open my suitcase, I noticed, that on the shelf opposite me is standing a photo frame with a picture of some gorgeous, middle-aged woman with a baby in her hands. "Who's that woman? I've never seen such a beautiful human before."

"I'll bring you some pillow," he said, avoiding my question.

It was obvious that he doesn't want to talk about it.

Well, I have a lot to say today!

First of all,
Did you all hear Hobi's mixtape? I love it! 🔥 Your opinions?

Also, if you haven't read my second story Coffee, I'll highly appreciate if you'll check that out. 💜💜

A nakonec...
Jestli tohle čte nějaký Čech, byla bych moc ráda, kdyby jste podpořili moji kamarádku 7_Taedly_Sins . Její příběhy jsou vážně úžasný a podle si rozhodně zaslouží více čtěnářů. 👼

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2018 ⏰

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