♛ IV ♛

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People at school were looking and pointing at me as I walked through the hall. They all mostly looked at me and the new prominent scratches that my dad had given me. It was like I was in a little spotlight, getting everyone's attention and yet I was embraced to the point I didn't even wanna look anyone in their eyes, nor speak. 

When I entered the atelier, I sat down at the nearest easel and started to put my supplies from my handbag on the floor. I wanted to be well prepared because I hoped that maybe I could find some interest in painting.

"Is this easel taken?" The voice of the unknown guy seemed very familiar to me, but I couldn't recognize him. I turned around to look at him, but when he saw my face, he looked horrified.

"You are in the same class as me?!" Yoongi asked in surprise.

"Obviously, and yeah you can have this one. It isn't taken." I smiled at him falsely and turned back to unpack the rest of my things.

Yoongi was looking around the class, finding some other easel, but he was late. All of them were already taken, so he sat next to me, and sighed deeply.

The lesson was supposed to start about 10 or so minutes ago, and the teacher wasn't present seen, looking over to my right and seeing Yoongi slouched in his chair with a banana in his hand. Looking at me he paused still with the banana in his mouth. Laughing to myself, I asked. "Is he always this late?"

"It would be a miracle if he came to time. Sometimes, he doesn't come at all." Yoongi said, swallowing the last piece of the banana.

"So what should I do?" I asked with a confused expression.

"Just paint whatever you want, because if he will unexpectedly come, and you won't draw, you'll be in a huge trouble," Yoongi said calmly.

"Is he really that harsh?"

"He's quite strict, but if you can paint, he'll let you be."

"Well, I can't paint at all," I said quietly, looking down at my lap.

Yoongi opened his mouth to say something, but suddenly the teacher entered the class. He had round glasses and black beard leading to his chest. He was wearing a black T-shirt with a print of some rock band and baggy blue jeans with a little chain on the side. The combination of his large round belly and his skinny long legs seemed funny to me.

Is that really a teacher? Well, artists were always bit weird.

"I won't be in the class today because I have something else to do, so I'm going to give you an assignment and come back in 5 hours. Right after I get back, I want to see the results. You'll work in pairs and paint a contrast. You can interpret it as you want, bye," the teacher announced and left the atelier.

"Typical," Yoongi said and rolled his eyes.

"I looked at Yoongi nervously and nudged him into his shoulder. "So, will you work with me on the painting?"

"Why should I work with you? You said, that you can't paint." Yoongi said coldly, taking out his brushes from his black bag.

"Can I ask you something?" I said, turning away from the topic. "Why do you hate me so much?"

Yoongi froze for a couple of seconds and gulped loudly. "Let's just work together."

They were both standing in front of the plain canvas, thinking about what should they paint.

After a while, I said the first thing that came into my mind. "What about the contrast between a cheerful and sad personality?"

"Well, that's not a bad idea. Let's use it." Yoongi sat on the chair and started to draw quick sketches into his notebook.

"Pick one." Yoongi showed me his sketches. He drew three options, but the one on the left caught my attention. It was a portrait of some boy, which looked like he's crying, but his face was calm. Actually, it looked bit scary.

"I like this one, but where is the happy and cheerful personality?" I said, pointing to the third sketch.

"I thought, that we can add some bright colors to it."

Yoongi started to paint the outline with an ocher paint color and then started to paint the face of the boy. I was staring at him fascinated, how skilled he is. Then he asked me to add the colors.

"Are you sure? I don't want to ruin it."

"Yeah, I'm sure. I trust you."

That was the nicest thing, I've ever heard from him.

I took a brush into my hand, dipped it in the water, and started making the first strokes. But then, I suddenly felt Yoongi's cold skin. He grabbed my hand and led her across the canvas, standing behind me. Our bodies were touching, and I felt his warm breath on the back of my neck.

Why is he suddenly like this?! Luckily nobody noticed us because they were too concentrated on painting.

Then he pulled himself off me and said. "It looks better than I thought. Good work, Y/N."

"Thanks, Yoongi."

"By the way, I don't hate you at all. I just can't express my true feelings. I'm sorry, that you thought I hate you."

I know, this chapter was a bit boring, but I wanted them to get closer to each other

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I know, this chapter was a bit boring, but I wanted them to get closer to each other. 
By the way, don't forget to vote and comment.

Have a nice day. 💜

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