♛ III ♛

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"Yeah, I will do that tomorrow, Hoseok is there too?" Yoongi asked taking off his jacket.

"Yeah, he came about 5 minutes ago. Come in."

Yoongi entered the room, and his eyes widened as he looked at me.

"What is she doing there?" Yoongi asked with a confused expression.

"I invited her, because you all said, that you're too busy," Jimin said and sat on the old magenta carpet in front of us with a bowl of popcorn in his hands. I was currently sitting between Hoseok and Yoongi. I started to feel my sweat flowing down all over my face. But after the advertisement ended, the match started again, and everything seemed okay for a while, but suddenly my eyes started to close.

My eyes were stuck together. After I opened them, I lifted my head and looked around the room. It took me a while until I realized that this definitely isn't my room, and I'm not sleeping in my bed. I was still at Jimin's house. I was lying on the couch in the living room, and Yoongi was sleeping right next to me. Then I heard someone screaming from the kitchen.

"Y/N, you are finally awake!" Jimin shouted, and went to the living room.

"What happened, why am I still here? What time is it? Where is Hoseok?" I asked, pulling off the red blanket.

"Slow down Y/N... You fell asleep and laid yourself on Yoongi's thighs. We told him, that he can push you away, but he didn't. Hoseok left right after that scene. And it's currently 11 am, if you wanna know."

I'm so stupid. I should have stayed at home.

"Do you want a coffee?" Jimin asked, but I didn't reply. I packed all my stuff and ran home.

I entered our porch, but before I could pull off my sneakers my dad appeared directly behind me.

"Where have you been all night?!" My dad shouted and ran against me. I tried to defend myself with my hands, but he pushed me on the floor and started kicking me with all his strength. I curled up, waiting till he stops. It was hard to stand up, my knees were trembling, and my back hurt. I went to my room with tears in my eyes. I sat in the corner right next to the white piano.

What should I do? I have a piano lesson this afternoon, but I'm pretty sure my dad won't let me go.

Then I heard my dad going down the stairs straight to my room.

I won't give up that easily, not just because of my unstable father.

I put the textbook into my brown cloth bag, opened the window and jumped out. I'm glad that we moved downstairs...

When I arrived at Yoongi's house, he welcomed me with a terrified expression. I was wearing the same clothes as I wore yesterday at Jimin's place, and my body and face were full of huge bruises. I felt like I could just dig myself into the ground.

The lesson was pretty normal, but then he said something I truly didn't expect from him. "I'm sorry, that I was acting like an asshole to you last time."

"That's okay, Yoongi." We looked directly into each other's eyes until he interrupted it.

"So, the next lesson will be next week at 5 pm, do you agree?" Yoongi said handing me my coat and my beige scarf, which I get from my mother four years ago.


He accompanied me to the door, and when I was leaving he smiled at me softly. I smiled at him too, but when he noticed that, he slammed the door, and I left.

Why does he act like a jerk all the time? But at least he apologized.

I quietly returned home... nobody even noticed that I was outside, so I calmly went to my room, and lay on my bed as usual. The light of my mobile phone's display glowed uncomfortably into my eyes as I read Jimin's message.

Jimin 12:02

Hi, why did you left so abruptly? Did something happen?

I can't tell him what happened, so I'll just leave it for myself.


The next morning I woke up at 5 am and went to the kitchen to have some breakfast and coffee. Breakfast is the only reason why I always wake up so early in the morning. I can't work properly without food.

But something was different today, my parents were both already sitting in the dining room holding their hands.

"Sit down, we have something to tell you," My father said with a serious expression.

"I'm pregnant, Y/N..," mom added.

"Mom, that's amazing. Congratulations!" I was really happy because my mom was always talking about another child, but my dad didn't want it. He never liked kids... that explains why he treats me so coldly.

Then my dad continued. "So you have to leave, Y/N. There isn't enough space for a baby right now, and you're old enough to live on your own."

"So you want to get rid of me? Do I understand it correctly?" I yelled at them at the top of my lungs. I couldn't control myself.

"How dare you raise your voice at us!" My father shouted, and slapped my cheek. The pain was spreading across my head and I fell on the floor in front of them.

Will this ever stop?

Let me know what do you guys think about this story so far. I know, this is just the third chapter, but still. 💜

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