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I had to find a babysitter for my babies if I was going to go out to this birthday bash tonight that marquise was throwing for goat and y'all I don't even do the whole partying scene for the exact reason that I have two sons that need tender loving and care but tonight I just had to see him I had to see marquise even if it was from a distance I miss him so much and with meka walking in with goat on her arm and me not walking in with anybody that means I was walking in alone so I had to be the baddest bitch and in order to do that I had to get times on my hands so I had to called my mom to watch marquise jr and jaquise so I called her and the phone rang three times and then I heard her voice.hey mommy,hey baby what's wrong you okay my grand babies ok.Yes mommy Im fine but I need a hugeeee favor by the most beautiful kindest mommy in the world I said smiling cause I knew I was doing to much and I know she gon notice that to. Little girl what ya ass want cause I know you ain't just buttering my old ass up for nothing what you want diamond.i was scared to ask her cause I know my mommy be in her moods but I'm crossing my fingers she say yes even if I have to bribe her. Mommy can you watch yo grand babies tonight please.now diamond I'm old and done raising kids but you ain't never give me no trouble you was a good girl and I raised you right so I know you raising them babies right and them my grand babies so imma watch them. Y'all I couldn't even hold my excitement.omg omg omg thank you so much mommy I love you. Mhmm I love you to know bring me my damn grand babies I miss them anyways you ain't been by to see me in weeks what's going on. I haven't told my mother that marquise is still alive I just don't be having time but I will tell her y'all i quickly came up with any thing to say just to get off my case.Oh mommy I just been busy I'mma be there in ten minutes and with that I hung up fast cause knowing Justine Watson  she knew something was up she knew me and before she could investigate any longer I ended the call and was now getting my twins ready.

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