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We make it to the office and I start going in on her ass.what the fuck you doing in that little ass dress ready to have me fuck you and some niggas up in this bitch stop playing with me dime dead ass.playing with you marquise I'm not playing with you your the one with a bitch smiling in your face so you can miss me with the bullshit for real fuck your fucking mouth dime dead ass and that girl ain't nobody I just met her.oh well the way y'all was looking at each other it looked like y'all knew each other for a lifetime.why you care so fucking much friend ain't that what you wanted to be a friend so why you care about who I'm fucking or talking to friend it shouldn't matter I said with so much sarcasm.whatever marquise fuck you that is what we are I don't care about who you fucking, sucking or loving fuck you and everybody else I'm out this party lame as hell im going to get my babies fuck you.i ain't gon lie that shit hurt like hell but she made her choice so it was time to make mines I wasn't going to spend another minute tryna Beg for her it's fuck me so fuck her to I don't care no more. Ight bet ma that's how you really feel dime I looked at her waiting for her response hoping it wasn't what I thought it was.yup that's how I really feel.ight bet I wish you the best in life I hope you find the man of your dreams that loves and respects and cherish you and treats you like a queen and I'm sorry that couldn't be me I know I fucked up dime when I lied bout my death but I was protecting you or atleast I though I was I thought I was protecting you and my sons but I'm sorry I really am but imma be a great father regardless of this all diamond for real I love you imma
Always love and appreciate you,your the mother of my two kids and you held
A nigga down at his worst and for that I'm always going to be gracious to you but you right we just needa be friends and I walked up to kiss her in on the forehead and left and rode my way down the elevators  I loved that girl with all my heart I was so frustrated I punched the wall cause I lost and hurt the one person I promised myself I never would hurt and that hurt me I think it was time for this night to end I needed to go home and think.

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