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I walk into the bathroom and as soon as I walk in meka walks in behind me.you okay chica I was tryna warn you.i know meka it's okay imma big girl I can handle myself fuck marquise he wanna be up there with that bitch looking all in love in shit bet two can play that game the fuck. Chica he doesn't even fuck with her like that she's a bartender that works here that he ask to come here with him last minute don't get yourself worked up plus I though y'all were trying the whole friends things.we were I mean we are I'm not pressed bitch fuck him I'm going up there to wish my bro a happy birthday.dime bitch I know you,you ain't going up there to see about my man you going up there to be sneaky and see how the bitch look but I'm down let's go bitch.i laughed cause my bestfriend knew me all to well it was a shame I looked in the mirror one last time and I was one bad bitch and then worked my way through the crowd and up to vip with meka linked to my arm he wanted to try me okay yea ight bet.

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