Part 5

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Uncle Jamie sat on a stool next to a young man almost in tears from the growing tattoo on his bicep. Soleil chuckled; he was one of those customers usually dragged in by an overzealous friend and dared to get a tattoo. Another young guy sat on a stool in front of the teary dude rubbing his hands in eager anticipation. She just hoped that the guy hadn't let his friend pick the unicorn-pooping-rainbows tattoo that was currently being etched onto his skin. Oh yeah, he would regret it later, if he had. Most did.

"Alright, you're done for now. We'll schedule for the rest next week," Uncle Jamie said as he wiped the guys upper arm off and then proceeded to clean his needles. Five minutes later, the guy, tears still misting his eyes, and his giddy friend walked out of the shop with an appointment scheduled for next Tuesday.

After a few minutes of Uncle Jamie cleaning his workspace and diligently avoiding her, Soleil broke the tension.

"So... what did you find out from your contacts in the Dark Market?" he hesitated, as if trying to decide how much he should share. "Just spill it," Soleil said impatiently, irked that he would even consider not sharing.

"Well, the guy your most likely looking for is known as Rattler."

"Why most likely?"

"Well, rumor has it he is selling rare exotic creatures for outrageous prices to rich people. There was no mention of Magick but his product is the only thing that could be possibly be fae related. And his operation is very secretive. Lock and key," Uncle Jamie said.

"And?" she asked impatience growing.

"He's dangerous Soleil. You can't go after him. Too risky. You could get hurt! Or killed! I can't lose you too. I can't. I won't let you go." Sighing, Soleil's impatience evaporated. She could understand his impulse to protect her, but he couldn't stop her from going. She wasn't 12; she was 20.

"You can't stop me," she said. "All I can do is promise that I will be careful. But I am going."

"Then I'm going with you."

"Fine," she breathed.

"And we're taking Lacey and Tuck," he said glancing at the hounds.

Soleil peered down at the two, their true form flickering momentarily while an ethereal voice whispered in her head, Yes, take us.

"Did you find any info on Rattler's location or where the fae are being held captive?" Soleil asked her uncle, still staring at the hounds who stared right back at her.


In her head, she heard the ethereal voice again, we can find them. Bring us one of their mates, it sang.

You're not going to eat them, are you? she asked in her mind. Tuck's huff mingled with laughter that echoed in her head. The voice must be Lacey then, Soleil thought as the laughter died out.

No, little one, we won't eat them.

"What's going on," Uncle Jamie said to Dai, who sat on her shoulder observing.

"She's having a conversation with Lacienda," he said nonchalantly. Lacey growled at Dai. "Oh, sooo sorry, your highness," Dai said rolling his eyes. Apparently Lacey didn't like her full name being spoken aloud.

"Dai, contact Miki."

"Don't need too. He's in your room. With about six other fae," he said, fingers grazing along a leaf edge of the only plant in the shop, lucky bamboo. His ability to hear the plants never failed to amaze her.

"Alright," she said, standing. "We leave in five."

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