Part 6

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Their footsteps pounded on the cobble stones as Soleil, Uncle Jamie, Tuck and Lacey ran through allies and streets. Lacey and Tuck lead the way, their sleek, midnight colored bodies undulating effortlessly as they ran. Before they had left Inks, Miki had bravely stood on a side table in the parlor while Lacey and Tuck both inhaled deeply, snouts millimeters from the wood sprite. After several long seconds, the hounds had bolted out the door and ran, changing form as they flew through the city. Uncle Jamie and Soleil close on their heels.

Suddenly the hounds made a sharp left turn and disappeared down an alley. Turing Soleil spotted the hounds at the end of the narrow passage way staring out into a large quart yard. Dead ahead was a large mansion with elaborate molding and large pillars. Coming to a stop next to the hounds, Soleil asked, "In there?"

 Yesss, Lacey hissed in her head. 

Is there anything else you can tell me? Soleil thought. 

There are six men and three pit bulls. The creatures and fae are in the cellar, a deep voice she didn't recognized answered. Glancing down she watched Tuck twitch his ears and them look up at her.What? 

Nothing. Just haven't heard your voice before. Tuck huffed as if exasperated with her. 

There are two in the cellar, one behind the front door, and three on the second floor. Sleeping I think, Lacey's familiar voice sounded in her ears.There is one dog per group.

Uncle Jamie whispered, "So what's the plan?"

"Jamie, you take Lacey upstairs and take out the three men up there," Dai said as he landed gracefully on Soleil's shoulder.

"Ok, everyone ready?"

"You know this isn't a very good plan right?" Uncle Jamie commented. "What are we going to do once we get them? And what if they have guns?"

"You have your gun. And it not like I'm helpless." Soleil had taken mixed martial arts all through high school and had been one of the top in her studio before she quit two years ago. She still trained to keep fit every week, but the studio just hadn't been challenging enough anymore.

"Besides I used some herbs from my room to enchant these," she handed Uncle Jamie an Inks button. "Pin it to your shirt. It should deflect up to three bullets." She had dug the spell out an old book. While she didn't have real magic, she could create simple things with plant and herb based spells.

Buttons now pined to their shirts, they ran for the front door. Lacey jumped and crashed through the door. It splintered where the bolts were and then flew off its hinges. Smack into a man. Standing on the downed door, Lacey ordered Soleil and her team down the stairs.

As their feet padded on the stone steps, Soleil heard a commotion form upstairs, followed by barking and shouting. Ignoring it, reminding herself that her uncle was a capable man, she kept descending down the spiral staircase. After what seemed like forever, but was probably only two or three minutes, she and Tuck slowed, the bottom of the stairwell appearing. Slowing even more as they neared the bottom, Soleil strained to hear movement over the wild beating of her heart and sound of her shallow breaths echoing off the walls.

A voice bounced through the little window of the large wood door at the bottom of the stairs and echoed off the spiraling walls, but before she could make out any words, a shrill shriek violently drowned them out. That must be Murn, Soleil cringed as the noise reverberated through her bones and made her ears sing. Wood sprites were known for their docile nature, but they were also known for their ear shattering warning cries that could be heard from a mile away if out in the forest. Unfortunately, so deep underground, Murn's cries wouldn't likely be heard beyond 20 feet of the house.

Waiting for her ears to stop ringing, Soleil strained again to hear voices. "God Dammit! Someone shut that thing up." One voice said, clearly angry at the wood sprite for possibly fracturing his ear drums. A bit of shuffling and the sound of a lid slamming followed the order.

The men are standing in the center of the room. And the dog... Tuck's words were cut off by a low growling sound coming from right behind the door.The dog is behind the door, Tuck finished sarcastically. As soon as Tuck finished, silence rained on down on them like a cold rain. Moving defensively, Tuck took the lead, head low, his answering growl filling the space around them.NOW! Tuck shouted to Soleil and she opened the door.

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