Chapter 1. // Year 1000

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~Everything happens for a reason~

Third p.o.v

Andromeda Salazar Slytherin.

A name everyone knew, in her time. She was one of the four Founders of Hogwarts. The four Best Friends had a Dream, a dream in were they build a School for all the Children of Witches and Wizards.

They were the laughing stock of the people. But just one Year after they announced they would build this School, a castle so big and wide rised that left everyone to be amazed.

Hogwarts was build.

But now the four had a different Problem.

How will they get any students?

 Rowena had an idea. She explained that, when you invite the students with a proper way of saying that they are accepted the parents will be thrilled and students will come. She also said that they will accept Muggleborn and Half-Bloods. 

The other Schools didn't accept these and because of that they will have more Students to come than Durmstrang or Beauxbatons.

The other three agreed on it. 

But before the Students were at Hogwarts, before a new Year began, something changed for one person.

Andromeda Salazar Slytherin.

Andromeda p.o.v

,,Godric?", i yelled trough the Great Hall.

,,Yes?", came a slurred answer.

Every single time. 

,,In one week the students will arrive and-..what are you doing?", i asked.

He swung his wand in the air and formed different symbols.

,,I was thinking that we should make houses."

,,Houses? And what are you meaning by that?"

,,I mean that the Students will have to be sorted in a House of one of us. Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw. The student will have their ties in the Hous colours and their robes will have a crest on.", he explained.

He does have a point. I can have my little house in which i am in charge.

,,How about we gives points to students if they are good in their studies, do great achievement and at the end of the Year the House with the most Points wins a Pokal?", i suggest.

He thought of it about a minute and then grinned wide and got up from his chair.

,,Yes, thats a wonderful idea. And for the houses we will have our family crest present them and their colours too."

,,Godric you are brilliant! I can't wait for the students to arrive!", i exclaimed happy.

,,But Andromeda, how did you solve youre problem with Slytherin?", he asked.

,,Oh! I build an underground passage with a huge chamber for him so he doesn't scares the students  and only i can open them. I named it the chambers of secrets! Isn't it exciting?" I could see that his smile was fake but i also know that he is relieved that Slytherin can't come up without my permission.

He sighed and then laughed.

,,I can't wait!"

,,I know how you feel.", i said and smiled.

,,How about a litlle duell? A little training can't hurt.", he suggest.

,, I don't have anything against that. It won't hurt i suppose.", and smiled at him.

We walked in the middle of the great Hall and faced each other.

We picked up our wands and held them in front of our face, before jerking them down and then aiming at each other.

Then the firsts spells fell.







Green hit red. Gryffendor against Slytherin. If someone were there, they would claim to see something spectacular. The various spells collapsed and the colors sprayed. But as nice as it looked, something was not right and the magic energy was gone and Godric and Andromeda looked at each other in wonderment. Suddenly, a big black hole appeared behind Andromeda and before Godric could warn her, she was gone.

Darkness that was all she could see. Although she was a witch, she still could not stand the darkness. Her body felt heavy and she could barely move. She did not even know if she had her eyes open or not. The only thing she knew was that she fell into a black hole. The last thing that went through her mind was the scream from Godric.

,, Andromeda! "


Third p.o.v

Her body flew into a black room where she would sleep for a few years, which for just a few minutes was 943 years for everyone else. Godric, Helga and Rowena mourned for their friend and tried to find her but without success. 

When the school started they held the ceremony for the houses and were pleased that there were the same number of students in each house. 

The years went by and the school grew stronger, but the fourth founder was never forgotten, even though many thought it was a man, the first generation of Hogwarts could deny that because they knew the truth.
But after some time they did not try to improve this rumor anymore. The four founders retired after the years and started their own families. Until today's Hogwarts, they were the greatest sorcerers anyone saw.

And that brings us to the year 1943. A dangerous year but nobody knew what might happen this year. Because everything changed for Hogwarts.

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