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Chapter Ten | The Golden Passport

AFTER JUMPING DOWN A ledge, you started going uphill, climbing ledges until you broke out into the sunlight. You came across a series of stone steps and monoliths.

        Beyond that, huge strangling fig trees were blended into the ruins of an ancient temple. Rocks hugged the giant roots.

        You followed Nathan and Sully up the steps. Once you made your way to the top, you marveled at the breathtaking view.

        "Hey—" The three of you turned to see Chloe running toward you. "Hello—what do we have here."

        Nathan rested his hands on his hips, staring at the entrance. "With any luck, the last resting place of Marco Polo's crew," he reckoned.

        Bravely, you walked toward the entrance, blowing a strand of hair from your eyes. Entering the temple, you tilted your head back as you glanced around the room. Gigantic roots engulfed the crumbling walls and floor. "Incredible . . ."

        When nature reclaimed what rightfully belonged to her, the results were nothing short of spectacular.

        "Oh, this place must be thousands of years old," Nathan said.

        You hummed in agreement as you pulled out your flashlight. "At least." Moving leftward, you saw a hole in the floor leading to another dark, dim location. You turned back and motioned for the three of them. "Down this way."

        Dropping down into the subterranean chamber, you landed on the balls of your feet. You shined your light into the darkness and grimaced. Scattered all over the floor were the skeletal remains of Marco Polo's crew. You gingerly walked across the filthy floor, wanting to do all the exploration your heart desired. Bones cracked and ratted beneath your feet.

        To think that you were one of the first people to rediscover this place over several hundred years later amazed you to no end.

        "Whoa . . ." Nathan said, shining his flashlight all over the walls. "Looks like we hit the jackpot."

        Chloe scrunched up her face in disgust. "Eugh. There must be hundreds of bodies down here."

        "They must've taken refuge here during the tsunami" you guessed. You crouched with your hands on your legs, examining one of the skeletons curiously. "Look at their teeth—they're all black," you remarked, standing back up.

        You passed a large statue with a gaping mouth built into the wall. Right across from the statue was a doorway. Making your way toward the doorway, you abruptly let out a frightened scream, flinging one of your arms over your face to shield yourself.

        The four of you ducked reflexively as dozens upon dozens of bats spiraled out of the room.

        You shivered, creeped out by the winged creatures. Once they were gone, you took a deep breath and recomposed yourself. You stepped through the doorway and shined your light at the numerous barrels scattered in there.

        "I think I found something," you announced. "In here."

        Moments later, Chloe, Sully, and Nathan appeared.

        "They must've carried their cargo all the way up here after they were shipwrecked," Chloe observed.

        Walking up to one of the barrels, you noticed a small object resting on top. Upon closer inspection, you realized it was a blue, flammable stone identical in nature to the one you found within the Mongolian oil lamp back at the museum before Flynn double-crossed you. You picked it up and sniffed it. "More resin." Turning to Nathan, you handed him the stone.

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