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Chapter Sixteen | They're Coming With Us

THE MAN TOOK THIS chance to tackle Nathan to the ground rather roughly. The two males hit the pavement, and you and Elena rushed to their aid.

She explained to him that she knew the two of you, and you guys weren't a threat. You helped Nathan back up to his feet while she did the same for her cameraman.

"This is [Name] [Surname] and Nathan Drake," she said to him.

You saw the recognition in his eyes. Elena must have told him about you and Nate. "Oh," he replied, turning to look at you. "Jeff Wynis. Nice to meet you."

You nodded and gave a friendly smile while Nathan rolled his eyes. "Likewise."

Elena took note of your disheveled and bloodied appearance and slightly gasped. "Christ, [Name]. What the hell happened to you?"

She then narrowed her eyes at Nathan and jabbed a finger towards him. "Don't tell me you brought her into yet another one of your shenanigans."

"I came here willingly," you explained to her.

She relaxed at your words. "That's good."

Turning to Nathan, she was quick to change her attitude. "So what's your angle on all this misery? You gonna plunder a few temples? Loot the museum?"

Nathan chuckled, "It's nice to see you, too."

You missed your blonde friend. The last time you saw her was before you left for the expedition to Yucatàn, Mexico. You invited her to your apartment for a night of wine and chick flicks, because honestly, nothing came close to lazy, snuggling, popcorn-eating movie nights.

That night was definitely one to remember.

Long story short, you drank an entire bottle of pinot grigio and laughed so hysterically that you nearly fell to your knees, leaning against your couch, unable to make a complete sentence, the wine still running through your veins.

You can't remember what Elena said that was so hilarious, but that was definitely the most you laughed at in a long time.

You smiled at the memory and observed her. She wore a formal white button-up shirt and dark jeans, her ID tag on her waist. Elena learned to carry herself in such situations and was packing a gigantic pistol to prove just that.

Elena then opened a small pocketbook and began jotting down notes. Realization dawned on you. After the whole El Dorado incident, she became an investigative journalist, tracking stories in some of the most dangerous and war-torn corners of the world

"What are you investing here?" you questioned. "Damn, I remember you telling me and it's on the tip of my tongue . . ."

Please don't be Lazarević.

"We're trailing a fugitive war criminal—Zoran Lazarević. Have you heard of him? NATO thinks that he's dead. Killed in some bombing raid. I'm here to prove otherwise."

You've got to be kidding me.

Elena continued, not seeming to notice you and Nathan exchanging wary looks. "This guy's a real monster. We're talking torture, mutilation, mass executions . . ."

She started to pace back and forth, her pen tapping on her mouth. "But see, now he's—he's plotting something new.  . . But why out here? Why—why tear apart the city, y'know? It just doesn't make any sense . . ."

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