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Chapter Eight | Borneo

One Week Later
The jungles of Borneo

THE VIEW FROM WHERE you, Nathan, and Sully were standing was magical. Mist hung in the trees, forming a white veil from which only the tallest treetops emerge.

        Beside you, Nathan was fiddling with his earpiece. "Chloe, you reading us?"

        Her voice came through your earpiece, "Loud and clear."

        "We're getting close," Nathan commented.

        You nodded, adjusting the strap of your leather holster—a leather drop design that sat on your hips and kept your shirt comfortably in place. Equipped with a dark olive-green safari shirt with the sleeves rolled up, unbuttoned to reveal a light green tank top underneath—as well as grey jeans, black belt, and matching combat boots with leech socks, you dropped down onto a rock.

 Equipped with a dark olive-green safari shirt with the sleeves rolled up, unbuttoned to reveal a light green tank top underneath—as well as grey jeans, black belt, and matching combat boots with leech socks, you dropped down onto a rock

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        As you landed, you heard Chloe's voice once more: "Okay, I've planted the charges all around the perimeter of the camp. You three just need to arm them. The first one should be right ahead of you."

        Got it. The three of you trotted through the muddy brown, almost polluted-looking water until you saw a flashing green light on the left. You leaned against the log while Nathan began to arm the charge.

        "I also left the detonator for you."

        Sully picked up the detonator, examining the remote-control device. "Ah-huh, there we are."

        "All right. First one's set," Nathan stated as he stood up. He turned to Sully. "Don't touch the button," he warned.

        Sully laughed, his fingers inches away from the button.

        Sully laughed, his fingers inches away from the button

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        "This one?"

        You and Nathan looked at him with a deadpan face.

        "Once you've set all the charges, just hit the detonator and it's showtime. But just be careful, Lazarević has got his men posted all around the perimeter."

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