Best Birthday Ever!

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Emily wasn't in the best of moods. She failed last week's quiz. Coach was on her back about making the lead spot again for Thursday's swim meet. And last but not least: Ali's birthday is coming up this weekend.

She's throwing her blonde beauty a birthday dinner on Saturday. And Noel was being generous enough to lend out his cabin for her party that night. Emily knew it was a lot. But Ali deserved it. Not only was she the best best friend ever... she's also the best girlfriend. Spencer walked up to her as she walked down the hall.

"Hey Em, everything okay?"
Em smiled at Spencer. "Yeah. I just got a lot going on."
"Well, Aria and I got the decorations already and we ordered the cake you wanted. So, that's done."
"Thank you guys so much. I want this to be perfect for Ali."
"And it will be. We got you."
Hanna walked up to them smiling. "Soooo, you're going to love me for this... Guess who I got as the DJ?"
Emily and Spencer looked at her expectantly.
"DJ Spiltz!"
Emily smiled excitedly. "Amazing Hanna! He's Ali's favorite."
"I know," Hanna smiled. "This is going to be the best party ever."
Em looked at her watch. "Oh shoot. I gotta go meet coach! Thank you guys," she hugged them. "You're the best best friends ever."

Just as Emily was running off, Ali was skipping toward her. As she went to speak to Em, the swimmer smiled, kissed her cheek and continued to run off. Ali pouted as she watched Em hurry away.

Alison sighed as she walked up to her two other best friends. "Why do I see more of Em's back than anything else lately?"
"I thought you would have liked the view," Hanna shrugged.
Spencer hit her. "Hanna."
"What?" She shrugged. "Just saying."
"I just want to spend time with her."
Spencer spoke up. "She's just got a lot going on right now Ali."
"I just want to spend time with my girlfriend."
Hanna wrapped her arm around Ali. "Awww Emison feels."

*Later That Day*

Em is sore beyond belief. Coach made her do extra laps today, pushing her to beat the record she previously set. Ali had called her three times earlier but she'd missed them. She knew her girl was probably really upset. Emily had every intention of calling the blonde. But as soon as her back hit the sofa, her eyes began to close.

Meanwhile... Ali was clearly upset. Aria, Hanna and Spencer watched as she stalked back and forth in her room.

"I know she saw my calls!"
Hanna sighed. "She has a lot going on Ali."
Ali scoffed. "So much going on that she can't pick up the phone for 2 minutes and talk to her girlfriend?!"
Aria rubbed Ali's shoulder. "Ali, how about we go see a movie or something?"
Ali's anger cracked. "Does she not want me anymore?"
"Ali," Spencer said. "If there's anything we know... Em could never not want you."
"Well it feels like it," she sniffed. "And it hurts."

All the girls crowded around her and they hugged her.

*The Next Day*

The thought of Emily not wanting her anymore was really messing with her mind. So much so, the usually best-dressed, perfectly curled blonde was in sweatpants, a Rosewood Sharks swim hoodie, sandals and a ponytail. Hanna and Spencer saw her first.

"Ok. Whoa."
Spencer frowned. "Ali, are you okay?"
No," she sniffed out. "No. I'm not."

She usually walked through the hallways with her head held high but today she kept her hood-covered head down. She didn't want to talk to anyone that wasn't Emily. She didn't even want to fake smile like she did on most days. Alison just wanted to get through the day without making a blabbering fool of herself in front of her friends; and just lie in her bed. The last place that Emily had held her in her arms and kissed her. Making her feel loved.

Ali passed by Aria before the short brunette could say anything to her. Aria walked up to Spencer and Hanna, still staring at Ali's back.

"Okay. What the hell is going on?"
Hanna sighed. "She thinks that Em doesn't want her anymore. Which is freaking crazy!"
"Well where is Em?" Aria asked.
Spencer spotted the tired looking swimmer. "Right there."
Aria gasped. "Oh my God, Em, are you okay?!"

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