Our Forever Valentines Pt. 2

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*Valentine's Day*

Ali nuzzled her head into Em's neck, a smile on her face. It's 6:30 in the morning but she couldn't wait to begin the day. It's her favorite day of the year, well, aside from her birthday. Ever since they met in elementary school, Em always did something to make her feel extra special on those two days. And this is their first Valentine's Day as an official couple. She giggled softly and kissed Emily's neck.

Ali giggled. "Time to wake up sleepy. I've got a surprise for you."
Em groaned and rolled over, looking at the click. "Ughhh, 15 more minutes babe."
"Fine," the blonde said, rolling her eyes. "I'll be in the kitchen."

Ali freshened up and ran downstairs, pulling out her heart-shaped waffle maker.  She made six waffles and cut up some fresh fruit. She also made some bacon and scrambled eggs. Her Mermaid loves breakfast. She heard footsteps and smiled as she lit a candle on the table. Em rubbed her eyes and smiled widely as she looked at the table.

"Oh my God Ali!"
"Happy Valentine's Day Baby," she cooed, kissing Emily on the cheek.

The two sat down and ate. Ali working up the nerve to give Em her first gift before school. It wasn't the most important one but this one came from her heart. Just as she was about to get up, Nala came running up to her, nipping at her feet. She giggled, picking the dog up.

"Hi baby," Ali nuzzled her head.
"Hey, no way. All my loving today."
Em," Al laughed. "You can't be jealous of Nala. She gets a gift today too."
Em rolled her eyes, smiling. "I guess."

Ali took that moment to get up and pull a heart-shaped bone from her bag. She also slipped Em's first gift into her hand. She knelt down and placed the bone in front of Nala on the floor, the dog barking in appreciation. Em took a picture with her phone and posted it on Instagram. As she sat back in her chair, Ali held out her arms, revealing a thin, gold chain in front of her. She pulled it around Em's neck and fastened it, kissing Em's cheek.

Emily felt around her neck, her mouth gasped open in a perfect O. She turned to Ali and kissed her as she felt the rose-gold promise ring on the chain.

"Ali, it's so pretty!"
"Not as pretty as you."
Em blushed. "Well, I have your first gift too. I just have to go upstairs and get it."

Ali smiled calmly but on the inside she was jumping. Emily gave the best gifts. When Em came back downstairs, she had an envelope in her hand. She blushed as she handed it over to her. At first, Ali felt a little of her excitement drop. An envelope. That means her gift was on paper and nothing of substance. She smiled because she didn't want to ruin the mood. Ali tore through the envelope and she started screaming when she pulled out the tickets. They were V.I.P. tickets to see Taylor Swift's summer tour. Five tickets to be exact.

"Baby!!!" She jumped into Em's arms, kissing her all over her face.
Em laughed. "I guess you like it."
"I love it! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
Ali pulled Em's head down for a kiss. "You're welcome Als."
Okay, okay okay already. No porn this early."

The two broke apart, scared by Hanna. She walked in smiling at the couple, swiping a piece of Em's waffle off her plate. Ali rolled her eyes.

"Shouldn't you be somewhere violating Caleb?"
"I would be," she said with a mouth full of food. "But he had something to do. I'm meeting him at school."
Em picked up her plate, finishing off her food before Hanna does. "What did you end up getting him anyway."
"Nothing fancy. Some cologne and boxers. Oh! And a new computer."
"Damn Hanna! Going hard huh?" Ali said with a smile.
"I really like him," she blushed. "He's the best boyfriend I've ever had."
"It's only been like month though Han," Emily said.
"I just know it. I can feel it."

Ali went upstairs to finish getting ready for school. As she walked up the stairs, Em turned to Hanna.

"Did you remember to do what I asked?"
"Sure did boo thang. It's sitting outside in her car."
"How did you-,"
"That's for me to know and you not to worry about."

When they were all ready to go, Ali grabbed Em's hand and tugged her outside. When they got to her car, Em quickly got into the passenger seat and got her camera ready. When Ali opened her door, she gasped as several balloons, a big bear and three boxes of chocolate spilled out. Ali jumped up and down like a little girl.

"Emily!!! Oh my God! I love him!"
"He's really cuddly but you haven't looked at him all the way Ali."
She looked confused. "What?"
"Pick him up and squeeze him."

Ali looked at her strangely but she picked up the huge bear that was almost twice her size. She gasped at his shirt. It was made up of pictures of her and Em and on his chest was a heart that said AD + EF. Ali felt tears come to her eyes and she squeezed him. He smelt like Em. She gasped again when she heard the bear speak. It was Emily's voice, telling her how much she loved her.

"Oh my God," Ali said tearily. "It's amazing."
Em blushed. "I wanted you to have him so if ever I'm not around and you miss me, you'd always know how much I love you."

Ali released a deep sob before dropping the bear and running into the arms of her human teddy bear. She squeezed Em and Emily buried her face in Ali's hair, rubbing her back. They broke apart laughing through their tears when they heard Hanna crying.

"God Em! How'd you get to be so freaking romantic!?"

The rest of the day continued much the same way. Both Alison and Emily showering each other with gifts. By the time they made it to Emily's house, Ali's car was filled with gifts between the two of them.

"Em, we will probably never live this down at school."
"Yeah, we kinda went all out."
"I'm not complaining though. Today has been the greatest day of my life."
"Mine too. I love you Ali. I got one more surprise though."
"Oh God," Ali groaned. "Em, I don't know if I have much space for anything else in my room."
Emily laughed. "This one, well, it won't take up space."

Emily lead Ali to her room. There was music playing and candles lit. There was also a very delicious smell in the area. She'd really have to thank Hanna for all this. The night ended with a very relaxed and satisfied Ali falling asleep in her girl's arms. Emily lightly singing in the blonde's ear, thankful to have her in her life.

*Lake House Visit*

"Damn Spence! Renting a spaceship and all!"

Emily and Ali cracked up laughing at Hanna. They were currently on the way to the Lake house. Spencer rented a van big enough to comfortably seat all the couples. Spencer had reservations at a restaurant not far from the house. Ali cuddled closer to Emily and kissed her chin.

"You're cute," whispered the blonde.
Emily kissed her back. "So are you."
"I can't wait to spend tomorrow in your arms."
"You do that already Ali," Emily laughed. "What's the difference?"
"It's going to be that much more romantic."
Aria hit Em. "Hey Lovebirds, can I listen to your phone Em?"
"Sure. I'm downloading a couple new songs."

When they got to the lake house, everybody claimed a room and put their stuff up. After freshening up, they left for the restaurant. Each couple got a rose and were seated around a big table. They talked and laughed. They then went back to the lake house and hung out as a group. They played several games and watched TV. The weekend ended with each couple, strengthening their bond and growing closer as friends.

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