Dreaming Of Our Future

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For some reason, Alison couldn't sleep. She'd first woken up, sweating. She got up and turned the A/C down. Emily was knocked out, only sleeping in a sports bra and girl boxer shorts. Nala was also sleeping, curled up into Em's side with her paws up and tongue out. Ali shook her head. They were still in the same position as she woke up for a third time. Since she couldn't sleep, she turned to her other side and stared at them. They were so cute. Her little family. And before she knew it, she was in dreamland.

She woke up with a groan. This time, she felt little arms and feet all around. A hand covered her nose and pulled. Two sets of feet were on both sides of her stomach. And there was a little body covering half of her forehead, giggling as their gums chewed on it. She opened one eye, wondering what the hell was going on. She looked right into the eyes of an upside down, tanned, blue-eyed baby.

Ali scrunched up her face in confusion. Whose baby? And why did it look like a perfect mix of her and Emily. She decided to inspect the child. She lifted the giggling, chubby baby up and it squealed. She couldn't help but smile. She turned the baby around and sat it on her chest. Wow. Gorgeous.

She looked at the baby head-on now. Those were definitely her eyes and dimples. Everything else was Em. The skin color, the glamorous eyebrows and the brown hair.

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! You're up!"

Ali looked past the baby and she saw the other three kids sitting on the bed. And without a doubt, they were other variations of her and Emily mixed together. There was a girl that looked to be about 6 years old and a set of twins who looked to be about 3. The baby boy on her chest looked about 5 months old.

What was this? Where was she? Why did these kids look like her and her girlfriend? Wait, where is her girlfriend? Just then, Emily walked into the room in a pair of scrubs and a white coat with a stethoscope around her neck. Now that is sexy!

"Mama! Look! Mommy's up!"
"I see that babies," chuckled Emily. "But didn't we agree to let mommy sleep a little longer?"
"But she's going to miss breakfast! It's done now!"
Emily walked over, laughing. "Sorry babe, I tried to buy you some time."
"Yes Love?"
"What is this?"
"This would be you being a lazy ass and your hot wife getting ready for work," said Hanna as she walked in with a baby on her lap.

Ali's mouth dropped open as she looked at how grown Hanna looked. Now that she thinks about it, Emily looks hella grown up too. If  they look... she jumped up and ran to the bathroom. When she looked at herself in the mirror, she gasped. She recognized herself but she looked, different.

Her hair was longer, her eyes more serious and a lot more icy blue. Her face is a little plumper but she's still beautiful. She looked down at her body, and holy shit, her tits are huge. She grabbed them and looked in the mirror with her mouth hung open.

"Mmmm, I love them too," Emily says as she slid her hands under Ali's.

Emily started kneading them and Ali threw her head back as she leaned back on the brunette. Em started kissing her neck and Ali let out a little moan. Before they could get into it, Hanna stuck her head in the door.

"Hey Emison, no hankey-pankey. Ali we have to get to work. The fall line is being finalized today and we gotta get a head start!"
"Yeah babe, I gotta go too. I have a basketball player coming in the office today to have surgery on his shoulder," Emily says, kissing Ali on the cheek.

Alison watched Emily walk out the bathroom before picking up the kids and giving them hugs and sloppy kisses. On her way downstairs, Em gave Ali another kiss on the lips and gave Hanna a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye Em," Hanna says with a smile. "Now, Mrs. Fields, take a shower, get dressed. Tanya is on the way to watch the kids. Chop chop!"

After confusedly getting in the shower and getting dressed, an older woman came in to watch the kids, but the older three followed behind them. Hanna kissed her son goodbye and they all walked down to Hanna's Escalade. They got into the car and they pulled up at a private school. It was really amazing. The kids got out the car and hugged Hanna and kissed Ali goodbye. Before she could wrap her mind around that, a woman with a brown bob and dress suit walked up to the car.

"Why Hello Mrs. Fitz," Hanna said grinning.

A shocked Ali looked up at Aria. Aria hugged Hanna before coming to hug Ali. She pulled back when she noticed Ali looked a little out of it. She chuckled while looking at Hanna.

"Umm," chuckled Aria. "What's her deal?"
"She woke up weird, probably tired. We've had an exhausting few weeks."
"Oh yeah you guys! I can't wait for the new line!"
"We can't wait either, it means some normalcy is coming."
"Oh shoot, I forgot to wish Em luck on the surgery."
"She understands. Plus it's Em. One of the best surgeons in the state. She doesn't need luck."

They all chuckled and said their goodbyes. Hanna looked worriedly at Ali.

"Alison, are you okay? You haven't said much this morning."
"Uh Yeah, I'm Fine. I'm just... really tired."
"Well, your vacation starts after we finalize this line. So let's get it!"

Ali walked with Hanna not sure of where they were going but she played it off. She noticed the name on the building, "AliHan Fashion." She looked around as all the employees smiled and waved at them. They finally made it to the 5th floor where there was two doors across from each other. One said Hanna Rivers. The other... Alison Fields. She smiled and rubbed the name on the door.

"It still feels surreal doesn't it?"
Ali smiled and turned toward Hanna. "Yeah, it does."
"You two are amazing together. Even through all the drama, you made it here. Together."

Ali didn't know what she meant by that so she just gave a closed-mouth smirk before pushing the door to enter the office. She went behind the desk, paying attention to the picture frames and other items on her desk and walls. Pictures of Emily and the kids. Her and Emily kissing in what she assumes is their wedding picture. A photo of Em smiling with her diploma. Another of Em with a squirming baby and another diploma in her hand. Her own graduation photo. Another with Em, her and a toddler in front of a house with a for sale sign. And finally, one of her, her mom and dad along with Pam, Emily and the four kids from earlier.

She's in awe of what she sees. But there's so many questions. Where's Wayne? How did all of these happen and she has no memories of it? As she sat there, an ad popped up on her computer. "Vote Spencer Cavanaugh for Mayor." She threw her head back and laughed. It's funny to see how they've all turned out. Not too shocking but funny in the least.

"Ali... Ali... ALISON!"
"Huh, What?"
"Why are you laughing in your sleep?" asked a confused Emily.

Alison looked around and noticed that they were in Emily's room, lying in her bed. She looked at Emily and smiled.

"I just can't wait to start our future."

The End... of the Beginning. 😉

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