Our Forever Valentines Pt. 1

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"Oh my God! If Hanna mentions one more thing about this new guy Caleb, I'm going to puke!" Ali thought to herself. "He just got to Rosewood High and she's acting like he hung the moon. He's always hanging around the school and is there before anybody gets there. It's like he lives there."

"I really like his long hair," Hanna said. "I never thought I'd like long hair on a guy."
Ali sighed. "Hanna, please. I'm trying to think."
"What's got your panties stuck up your butt?"
"I don't know what to get Em for Valentine's Day."
"Why are you stressing? You've got a month!"
Ali rolled her eyes. "This gift has to be perfect! Em's made me feel like a princess since we've been together and I just want to return the favor."
"Em has been a really good girlfriend," Hanna mused. "Maybe I should have been trying to date her."
"Watch it Marin," Ali cut her eyes at her, smirking. "I don't want to have to fight you about my Mermaid."
Hanna laughs. "No offense, but Em's not my type. I like a little extra between the legs, ya know?"
"Well, we do have a couple of strap-,"
"God Ali! NO! You will NOT put that image of my best friend in my head!"

The two blondes laughed as they entered the cafeteria. Emily and Spencer were already sitting at their table talking. Spencer told Emily about her crush on Toby. Emily smiled. Outside of their group, Toby was a really close friend to her. She talks to him about some of her troubles with Ali and he gives her good advice.

Ali went and sat next to Emily, kissing her on the forehead as she put her lunch bag down. Em smiled and kissed Ali's cheek, making her giggle. Hanna smiled at the two.

"You guys are so stinkin' cute!"
Em rolled her eyes, "Thanks Hanna, I guess."
Spencer looked at everyone. "So, I was wondering. I really want to do something at the Lake house for Valentine's Day but I want it to be couple oriented."
"Well, That could be a possibility," Hanna says with a big smile. "I think I want to ask Caleb to come."
Spencer looked at her. "The phone hacker?"
"Yesss. Isn't he cute?"
"Yeah Hanna," Spencer says sarcastically. "A true heartbreaker."
Ali chuckled. "Be nice Spence."
"Are you two in? I know you guys probably already have plans."
"Actually," Em says quickly. "We don't. Well, not yet."
Ali raised an eyebrow. "Who's to say I don't have anything planned?"
Em looked at her sheepishly. "Do you?"
"Well, no..."
"Then it's settled," smiled Spencer. "We could make a weekend of it. I've even began to plan a few things! And well, of course, a day of privacy."
Em smiled. "Sounds good to me Spence!"
Ali groaned. "Fine. Long as I get my Mermaid to myself for at least a day."

Aria walked up to the table with a guy that none of the girls had seen before. She smiled at him as he grinned at her. All the girls looked at her expectantly, knowing she has a huge crush on Mr. Fitz.

Aria blushed. "Guys, I want to introduce you to Jake, he and I met when I took Mike to karate class."
"Hi Jake!" yelled Hanna. "You're our age right?"
Ali glared at her. "Hanna."
"What? You were thinking it," Hanna said, looking down at her plate.
Jake laughed. "Actually, Yeah, I am. I'm a year older. But still in the same age group."
Aria shook her head, laughing. "Well, since lunch is almost over, Jake is walking me to class. See you guys at Ali's?"
"Yeah," Spencer said. "Well except Em. She's got training."
"Okay, well, see you guys!"
"Bye Aria!" They chorused.
Hanna looked at Aria and Jake. "Hopefully they aren't just friends. That way it won't be so awkward anymore when we go on group dates and sitting across from our teacher."

*Later That Evening*

Hanna laid across Ali's bed as Ali sat in her bean bag chair and Spencer sat at her computer chair. Aria was sitting Indian style at the end of Ali's bed. Hanna asked Aria about Jake.

"Soooo, spill the beans. Are you two dating?"
"Yeah," Spencer said eating her yogurt. "Are you really over Ezra?"
Aria blushed. "I don't know honestly. But Jake's a nice guy. And he's our age so I don't have to worry about my dad freaking out."
Ali chuckled. "Yeah. Dinner with your dad and Mr. Fitz was so awkward that time. I wanted to disappear in the bushes like Homer."
Hanna laughed. "Really Ali?"
"Really. No offense Aria, but your dad is intense A-F."
"None taken. That was really cringe-worthy."
Hanna propped up her arms. "So, Ali, what are you getting Em?"
Ali leaned back on the bean bag groaning. "I don't know but it has to be the bomb dot com. Em always delivers with the gifts."
Spencer smiled. "Oh yeah. And from what Toby told me, it's going to be really special."
Aria oohed at Spencer. "Ooohh, so you and Toby?"
"He's amazing guys," gushed Spencer.
Ali scrunched up her nose. "Yeah, he's not as creepy as I thought."
Hanna laughed. "Wow! This coming from Ali D.?"
Ali threw her small pillow at Hanna. "Whatever. Since him and Emily are practically like siblings, I've gotten to know him a little. He's cool."
Spencer blushed. "He asked me to be his girlfriend last night."
Aria clapped her hands. "What did you say? What did you say?"
"I said yes. I really like him."
Hanna smiled. "So this couple's Valentine's Day is looking good. Me and Caleb. Ali and Em. Spence and Toby. And Aria and Jake."
Spencer turned to the computer. "Right. So, while I have you guys here... help me plan!"
Ali rolled her eyes. "Fine. But afterwards, you guys have to help me find the perfect gift for my baby."

*That Night*

Ali went home with some good ideas but she really wanted to do more for Em. She really wanted to spoil her girlfriend. Emily always made her feel so special and loved. She walked into the house and saw her mother sitting at the table. They really didn't talk much because her mom was always out and about. On rare occasions like this, when her mother was actually home, Ali didn't know how to act around her.

But Jessica decided she wanted to be more motherly to her daughter. She only had one and not that she'd every really said so, she was proud of the young lady that Ali was growing into. She's grown even more fond of her only daughter since she's been dating Emily. She loved the swimmer as if she was her own child and she couldn't help but notice how Em's sweet nature was rubbing off on Alison. She'd taught her daughter how to be a snobby, self-centered and deceitful diva. But Ali had changed and she couldn't help but appreciate her daughter's new vibe.

"Hello Alison," Jessica smiled.
Ali smiled back. "Hi mom."
"You seem like you had a good day."
"It was. I don't have any complaints."
"How's Emily?"
"She's great mom," Ali gushed. "She's perfect."
Jessica smiled. "Have you decided what to get her Valentine's Day? I heard you talking to Spencer earlier."
"I think so. But I want to do something awesome for her. She definitely deserves it."
"How about you and I go shopping tomorrow? Maybe we'll find something good together."
Ali smiled at her mother. "I'd like that."
"Great. I'll pick you up after school tomorrow."

Ali went up to her room, with a constant smile on her face. Not only was she happy with Emily... but her mother finally showed a real interest in her life. She threw herself across her bed. As she wrote in her journal, her Mermaid's picture popped up on her phone.

"Hi babe," Ali cooed.
"Hey baby. How are you?"
"I'm okay. Even better now that I hear your voice."
"You're so sweet babe. Hanna says you guys hammered out some of the details for V-Day?"
"Yeah. We wanted to go ahead and get ahead. We want it to be amazing for all of our sakes."
"And it will be. I can't wait," gushed Emily.
"Uh huh. I can't wait to spoil you."

The couple talked for a few more minutes before bidding each other goodnight. They each went to sleep with a smile on their face. Alison excited for the next day's events.

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