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~ Jacob POV ~
I'm at the studio today with the guys and Jade is with the girls at the dance studio. We have show today in philly and me and the boys thought we would have a dance off but not tell the girls so we can see their reaction. I sat down and went on my phone [<Jade texted me saying that she's getting her hair colored>] I said [<Really what color. She sick of being called bubblegum head>] Cameron laughs [<Dude that's my girlfriend you're talking about>] I chuckle. He laughs and sits beside me [<She wants to surprise me>] I smile reading the text [<Are you blushing>] Daniel asks [<What no>] I lie. They start laughing [<Yeah right>] mark laughs. I shake my head and look back at my phone [<I hate you all>] I said as they laugh even louder. I get a notification that Bella is live so I clicked on it. I see her jade and the girls walking down the street laughing [<What the hell jade>] Bella laughs turning the camera so it's on jade. Jades doing cartwheels on the sidewalk [<This is my sister people. Do you see what I live with>] Bella says [<Oh shut up you love me and you know it>] Jade laughs hugging her [<Get off me you little rat>] she giggles. I laugh at jade who is always happy and having fun!! This girl is so childish it's cute and that's why I love her.

~ Jade POV ~
We get to a salon and I told them my name and the time of my appointment. The guy who is gonna do my hair walks out and hugs me [<Hi so nice to meet you jade. Hello girls>] he smiles [<Come with me and We'll Get started on your hair>] he said. I nod and follow him [<What do you want today>] he asks [<I'm gonna let you do whatever you because a lot of my friends said you're amazing. Sooo my hairs in your hands>] I giggle [<Oh this is gonna be so fun>] he says clapping his hands. I laugh and he gets out everything he needs. He said that he's gonna do my hair away from a mirror so I won't see it and it will be a surprise when he's done.

===Skip to after===

He covers my eyes and walks me to a mirror [<Ok open>] he said. I open my eyes and look in the mirror [<Oh my god I love it>] I gasp [<I would've never thought to do this color>] I laugh [<I'm gonna braid your hair and then we'll post a pic>] he smiles.

Liked by: Bellathorne SkaiJackson Babyariel Rowanblanchard jacobsartorius thebombdigz

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Liked by: Bellathorne SkaiJackson Babyariel Rowanblanchard jacobsartorius thebombdigz.
@Jadethorne: love my new look!! Thx @Guy_tang love ya💕💕

I hug him bye and we go back to the studio. I was making Snapchats the whole way back. Once we got to the studio I ran inside and jumped on Jacob [<I'm back bitch>] I yell [<Jesus jade>] Cameron said [<Now my baby is a smurf>] Jacob chuckles. I jump of his back and punch his arm [<Asshole>] I laugh [<Hey I still love you>] he smiles hugging me [<Guys shows in two hours>] tony said walking in the room [<Nice hair>] he says to me [<Thanks>] I roll my eyes looking at Jacob.

===Skip to show===

Jacob goes on stage and starts singing while me and the girl wait backstage eating the food [<Ok girls come out here please>] Daniel said. The girls walk out except me because Hello I'm eating [<Jade>] Kevin yelled [<I'm busy>] I said to him. H Jacob walks over and grabs my hand [<No I want to eat>] I said [<Grab a cookie and come on>] he says, I grab a cookie and walk on stage with him [<Sooo you guys are probably wondering whats going on>] Cameron smirks. We all nod and then music starts to play and they start dancing (the first three guys is the dance they did)

We all look at each other [<So this is a dance off>] Ariel said [<Yep>] they said [<Ok then Jade>] Rowan says looking at me. Me and the girl talk and figure out what we're gonna do (first group and the girl in the middle is jade, the the girls behind her are Rowan and Skai then they switch with Ariel and Bella theeeennn they dance together)

We stop and look at them [<Boom>] Bella said making everyone laugh [<ok that was good but....now it's time for the sibling dance off>] mark smirks [<GIVE IT UP FOR HUNTER AND BRANDON>] Devin yells. We see hunter and Brandon run out [<What's up guys>] they wave. [<Bring it on Thorne sisters>] hunter smirks as the music starts

[<That's all you got>] Bella laughs [<Let's see what you girls got>] they say. Bella looks at me and smirks, we run off stage and put different shoes on then go back (Skip to 30 seconds in)

Everyone cheered and clapped [<I'm gonna say it's a tie>] Matt says. We laugh and the boys hug us [<Good job babe>] Jacob whispers [<Thank you thank you very much>] I giggle. These boys think they can win if we don't see it coming!!! Well they are WRONG!!!!

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