•Twenty One•

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(Don't play song until it says)
~ Jade POV ~
Yesterday Jaden took me to a carnival that was going on. I had a lot of fun with him but we agreed that we should just be friends because I don't just want to jump into another relationship....like Jacob did even though I do like Jaden. My phone starts to ring and it was my manager.

(Phone call)
Jade: hello?

Spencer: hey jade, so Matt called me.

Jade: Matt as is Jacobs co-manager Matt?

Spencer: mhm, well Jacobs done with tour as you may or may not know...and Matt was thinking it would be a good idea for Jacob and some more of your friends to go on tour with you Jaden and willow.

Jade: I'm sorry, am I hearing you correctly? That's not a good idea

Spencer: I think it is, plus it will burn out the drama flames that are happening between you two and Jaden.

Jade: fine but Bella Skai Rowan and Ariel are the main ones I want coming.

Spencer: ok not a problem, talk to you later

Jade: k bye.

(End of call)

What the hell was matt thinking. If Jacob wants to come he can...I'm not gonna talk to him right now. Willow walks over to me and smiles [<Sooo we have to go on tour with your ex boyfriend....but that's ok>] she says making me smile [<I just wanna see everyone>] I laugh. [<Well get ready we have a red carpet to walk then you have a show to put on>] she said grabbing my hand dragging me into the bathroom. We get ready together while dancing to 'Gods plan' by drake.

Outfit ^

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Outfit ^

Makeup ^

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Makeup ^

Makeup ^

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Hair ^

Willow grabs her jacket and we all leave.

===skip drive===

Once we get there me Jaden and willow go and get some pictures taken, then we all get interviews by people. [<Hello jade, you look amazing>] she smiles [<Thank you. So do you>] I smiled back. She thanks me and starts asking questions [<So I hear you have new songs and that you're going to be performing one of them tonight>] she says [<That is correct>] I giggle [<Well we all are dying to hear it>] she said making me smile. She asks a couple more questions then security takes me to my seat along with willow and Jaden. We all sit down in the very front row. Photographers come by to get pictures of everyone including us. Jaden wraps his arm around me as I do the same to willow. This isn't a Grammy award or anything it's for actors singers models, people like that. A security guard comes by and takes me backstage to get ready. I changed into the outfit my stylist thought would look cute.
(Play song)

I walk on stage singing the beginning of my song

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I walk on stage singing the beginning of my song.

~ Jacob POV ~
I have been so pissed at myself for what I said to jade. She hasn't answered my calls or texts and I found out earlier that she is performing tonight. Everyone sits down watching the tv waiting for Jade to show up. Music plays as a girl walks on stage singing [<You think, that you'll dies without him you know, that's a lie that you tell yourself>] she sings. Just hearing her sing the lyrics knowing that she was heartbroken writing them makes my heart hurt. She sings and dancers come up behind her and lift her up so she's on their shoulders. They put her down as a guy dancer walks over slowly grabbing her hand twirling her around as her beautiful voice fills the room.

I know he's just a dancer but it made me feel jealous

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I know he's just a dancer but it made me feel jealous. I see Bella looking at me [<You really miss her don't you>] she asks [<You have no Idea>] I said with a small smile. We're all going on tour with her willow and Jaden except for Hayden. I'm excited because I want to talk with her but She is probably mad at me and I don't blame her. The song ends and everyone...literally everyone stood up cheering [<That's our girl>] Ariel Zach rowan Skai and Bella said making us all laugh. I smile watching her stand on stage smiling at everyone who was clapping. I need to make things right with her....and I have an idea on how to do it....in a live concert.
It's short I know. I'm sowwyyy

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