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~ Jade POV ~
It's been about a month since the golden globes and we're still on tour. Me and Jacob have been dating for about three months and everything is perfect....well almost perfect. A girl named Millie joined us and Jacob has been hanging out with her a lot and completely ignoring me, he hasn't really talked to me in a week and it hurts. I'm walking back to my room with Skai because went to go get a snack, we walk by Jacobs room and hear him talking to Millie [<It's no secret that I like you Jacob>] she says. Skai pulls me closer to the door so we could listen [<I like you too Millie>] Jacob said  [<Would you ever go out with me>] she asks [<Well....I mean....yeah I would>] he said making my heart shatter [<Are you gonna break up with jade? It doesn't seem like it's working out for you two>] she tells him. I look at Skai who was angry [<I'll talk to her tomorrow....it's late and she's probably sleeping>] he says. I sigh and start walking to my room, I go inside and grab my bag [<Jade what's wrong>] Bella and Rowan ask [<Jacob is an asshole that's what's wrong>] Skai said slamming the door [<What did he do>] Bella asked now getting angry. [<We hear him talking with Millie in his room. She told him that she liked him and he said he liked her too....and that he's gonna talk to jade tomorrow about maybe breaking up because they aren't working out>] she did [<What he's the one who need ignoring and ditching her for Millie>] Rowan says. They look at me as I pack my stuff [<What are you doing>] Bella asked [<I'm gonna talk to tony and Matt about leaving tour early>] I answer [<I got a call yesterday about working on an album with some really talented singers>] I tell them [<You did. Why didn't you tell us>] Bella asks with a small smile [<I told them I was gonna think about it....I was gonna say no because of the tour and Jacob but....doesn't really matter now>] I said looking at me feet. [<We don't want you to leave>] Skai says [<I'll be in a LA, you guys can stay here because this is fun for you>] I smile [<No>] they said [<Yes I'll be okay....I have security with all the time anyway>] I said. Bella looks at Rowan and Skai [<Okay, call us and text us though>] she said. I smile and hug them [<I'm gonna call them back and tell them I'm booking a flight for tomorrow morning>] I said.

===skip the call===

I hang up and make my way go tony and Matt's room....where Jacob happens to be sleeping. I knock on the door and a very tired tony answers [<Jade>] he yawns [<I'm leaving tour because I got a call About working on an album with great artists>] I tell him [<Uhhh ok does Jacob know>] he asked [<Yeah>] I lie [<Ok he's gonna miss you....we will all miss you. When are you leaving>] he asked [<Tomorrow and Jacob will be fine without me>] I say walking alway. I wipe a tear from my eye as I go back to my room to finish packing.

===The next morning===

I feel Bella shaking me telling me to get up [<Come on it's time for you to head to the airport>] she said. I get up and get dressed.

I grab my bags and we leave without talking to anyone

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I grab my bags and we leave without talking to anyone. I get there and see no paparazzi for once [<Bye, love you>] I said hugging Bella Skai Rowan and Ariel [<We love you too. Are you sure you're okay about Jacob>] they ask. I nod and get out of the car and walk inside with my security. I love Jacob but he loves someone else....I can't let this break me...I need to get my mind off it.

~ Jacob POV ~
I make my way to jade and Bella's room very nervous. I knock on the door and Bella answers and looks at me like she wants to kill me [<Uhh can I talk to jade>] I ask, Ariel Skai and Rowan walk up behind her [<Jade left>] Skai said [<W-what>] I ask [<She went back to LA after she heard you and Millie's conversation last night. You hurt her.....but congratulations sartorius you're a free man now you can be with Millie>] Bella said shutting the door. Jade left...without talking to me. I try calling her but it goes to voicemail [<Jade come on answer me>] I sigh....no answer. I sighed and walk to my room [<Hey Jacob>] Millie smiles walking up to me [<Uh hey>] I said [<Did you talk to jade>] she asks [<No she left>] I say [<oh did you call her>] she asked. I nod and keep walking. What did I do
Getting interesting now huh 😂

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