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~ Jacob POV ~
I was with the guys when I got a notification from Instagram. I click on and read what it has to say.

@TMZnews: jade Thorne spotted at LA airport without sister Bella Thorne

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@TMZnews: jade Thorne spotted at LA airport without sister Bella Thorne. Fans are saying that the 15 year old star is not acting like herself....she seems upset. Find out more on our channel '"link of bio"
Jade looks so sad, I tried calling her again but she didn't answer. The guys look at me [<What happened between you two anyway>] Cameron asks [<I made a mistake>] I sigh [<Millie I'm guessing>] mark says [<Yeah but....ugh I don't know>] I said sitting my phone down. I wish she would just talk to me.

===one week later===

~ Jade POV ~
I haven't been active for the past week because I'm still upset....Bella Rowan Skai and Ariel have been texting to make sure I'm okay and i answer them saying I'm fine. Jaden called me yesterday and asked if I wanted to go for lunch and I said yes so I could get my mind off Jacob. I go take a shower and get ready, I put on a long sleeve crop top with some shorts and I just put my hair in a ponytail and do natural makeup.

I grab my phone and leave

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I grab my phone and leave.


I walk down the street as paparazzi notices me and takes pictures. I see Jaden and we go inside the restaurant and get something to eat. [<How are you>] he asks [<I've been better>] I sigh [<Whats wrong>] he asks [<So you know how I was on tour with a guy named Jacob Sartorius>] I say. He nods taking a sip of his drink [<We started dating....everything was fine until a girl named Millie came along....he ignored me like I meant nothing. Me and Skai heard him talking to her and he likes her so I left and told Bella to tell him that we're breaking up>] I sigh [<Hey, don't be upset>] he said grabbing my hand making me look up at him [<Let's go do something fun to make you feel better>] he smiled. I smile and nod. We get up and leave with paparazzi asking questions but we ignore them and go to his car. He drives to his house and I see willow and will outside messing around [<JADE>] willow screams running over and hugging me [<There's my favorite Thorne....don't tell Bella I said that>] will says hugging me. I laugh as Jaden grabs my hand bringing me inside [<Hi jada>] I smile [<Oh hi honey>] she smiled. We go upstairs as willow follows us [<She's going through a break up and we need her to forget it>] Jaden tells her [<makeover time>] willow smirks [<Uh oh>] I said.

===Skip about two hours===

I look in the mirror and see that I don't have blue hair anymore....I have black. I look at willow and Jaden who are smiling [<Yasss bitch>] will says walking into the room.

[<Just me or does she look like a badass>] willow [<It's not just you>] jada will and Jaden said making me laugh

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[<Just me or does she look like a badass>] willow [<It's not just you>] jada will and Jaden said making me laugh. I go on my phone and see Jacob posted a Instagram pic.

@Jacobsartorius: let it rain ❤️@milliebobbybrown

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@Jacobsartorius: let it rain ❤️

I frown and willow grabs my phone from me [<No no no!!! There is no crying in the club>] she said throwing my phone on the bed. [<Crying in the club>] I whisper [<That can be a song>] I said getting a pencil and paper [<Yesss write a song>] Jaden said sitting beside me. I start thinking of lyrics and write them down.


An hour goes by and I wrote a full song [<crying in the club>] willow smiles [<To the studio>] will said with his keys. We laugh and follow him to the car.

~ Jacob POV ~
I was playing a video game with the guys when Bella walks in smiling at her phone [<Why are you so happy>] Cameron asks [<My sister>] she said showing him something [<Ohhh instagram>] he said making me grab my phone. I go to Instagram and see jade didn't post anything [<What>] I said showing Cameron [<Willow Smith. Go to her page>] Bella said walking outside. I go to her page and see a picture of her and jade (the girl with her is jade)

 I go to her page and see a picture of her and jade (the girl with her is jade)

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Liked by: BellaThorne Jadensmith Rowanblanchard SkaiJackson Hunterrowland.
@Willowsmith: studio with @Jadethorne she's working on a new song!!!

Why is she with willow smith....I thought she didn't know her. [<Jaden willow and jade have been friends for a long time huh>] mark asked Skai who I didn't even notice walk in [<Yep...but she never saw Jaden more than u friend. Plus she was happy with someone until they broke her heart>] she said looking at me angrily making me look down. Millie walked in and sat down by me as Skai left the room with the boys. [<So everyone is going crazy over our Instagram picture>] she smiled [<Yeah>] I fake a smile [<You wanna go hang out with everyone outside>] she asked with a smile, I look at my phone and sigh [<Yeah let's go>] I smiled.

~ Jade POV ~
We're at the studio figuring out the music for the song. [<Ok we've been at this for two hours let's call it a day and we'll finish tomorrow>] my manger says as I nod [<Stay at our house. Bella won't be back for a little while so stay with us>] will smiled [<Sure>] I I smile at Jaden. We leave and go back to their house.
So "Jades" songs are just random songs from Different artists if you didn't notice already lol 😆

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